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My new Riviera P93


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Ok guys here is my new toy all set-up today with flat wounds, and it is playing like a dream. Just like I hoped it would.






Ok I know I have to remove the stickers


I leave mine on until they fall offcool.gif but that's just me...loleusa_shifty.gif



Hey, nice guitar by the way. I'm going to try half flat and full flat strings on mine, soon. Do you like the flat wound strings better than "normal" strings ? What "brand" are you using ?



oh, by the way




nice guitarcool.gifmsp_thumbup.gifmsp_smile.gifmsp_sleep.gif

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I love flat wounds... I put on "Jazz Swing Thomastik JS 113 Med" ones today. I have used flat wound on my Gibson ever since 1964. They have such a mellow tone. I truly do not like bright sounding strings. They just have a tinny sound. But I do understand that others like round just fine. For years I used Gibson Mona flat wound but they are no longer available that I can see. GC had these thomastik on clearance for $9.00 (retail was $47.99)( realistically they sold them for $25). They have several more set there I think I may go back and get them all for that price.



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Congrats on your great Riviera, and in particular on being happy with the flatwounds in the end. [thumbup]


Beautiful guitar, and I like the smooth look of the strings, too.


I love flat wounds... I put on "Jazz Swing Thomastik JS 113 Med" ones today.


GC had these thomastik on clearance for $9.00 (retail was $47.99)( realistically they sold them for $25). They have several more set there I think I may go back and get them all for that price.




In this case I think I would dig that win-win situation, too. [biggrin]

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I have found the one common issue with these. The little E insignia on the pick guard is not glued on very good. The tech at GC said they have had brand new guitars all scratched up in the box from that piece coming off. I think I may just take it off and put it in the plastic bag with my manual. It will pluck right off with your finger nail with no effort. You would think Epiphone would address this and use better glue or just engrave it in the pick guard. No problem though. An easy fix....



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I took the pick guard off of mine - the top wood is so nice it is a shame to cover it up. That wine color is beautiful!


They are GREAT players, very versatile, and several pro musicians use the P93's. I used Ernie Ball 11's on mine and just turned the tone knob to about 4 or 5 for a jazzy smooth tone.


A very fine review of this great players' guitar...



FWIW, a lot of players just take that "E" off just so they don't have to think about losing it.

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I think the thing with a lotta guitars is that it's too easy to forget just how much tone comes from technique, pup, pot and amp settings.


Heck, I've used 8-38 for a very mellow jazz sound on my old early '70s Guild S100c SG type.


As for this particular instrument... it's very nice looking and should be as versatile as any.



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Here is another cool review. I also have one of those BOSS E-band things. Some cool BT's on that unit, great for practice as there are several "genres" of guitar music to play along to (Blues, jazz, metal, "Latin"...and they are all pretty cool, like the one in this demo (which is 36 minutes long) msp_thumbup.gif

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I called Epiphone and they are sending me out a new E for the pick guard. Thinking I will just store it for safe keeping, unless the stickum if better that the original.


Another question I have is what is the best way to keep the gold hardware looking good for the next 20 years or so or whoever dies first.




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Don't know if it makes you feel any better, but the gold on Gibsons wears thin and comes off, too...they all do that to a degree. Best thing is to keep a clean soft cotton rag in the case and wipe off all the metal and strings when you put it away. Parts of old tee shirts are great for this.


Keeps finger oils, dirt and sweat acids from working on the plating and the strings last longer, too. I usually do this every time I take one of mine out of its case, and wipe down the whole guitar every so often, too.

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