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OK, how do I...

Marshall Paul

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OK, I've read the help section and still nothing. About as helpful as windows help, which we all know is like having a circular argument with a naughty 4 year old. Getting ready to put fist through the computer screen, so before I do...how do I...


post a picture (photo, image, whatever the hell their called)? does it have to be a jpg or bitmap or whatever. and does it have to be a certain size? I've fluked it a couple of times before but they always came out tiny.


post a song? you know, like an MP3 or something. and a you tube site as well?


merry f$#&king yule tide official help section. Ahhgg!!!

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Well. You can use the Attachments feature right below the text area when you are Replying to a post. But the file must be pretty small. I find it impractical to post anything this way other than a small photo.



Most people here open an account in a photo hosting site like Photobucket and upload photos there. Then clicking on the IMG area of your photo on that site and pasting the link here.


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In a similar way, most people have an account on a site like Soundcloud to host and post their audio files.

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As far as posting Youtube videos. If you right click in the address bar of the video you are watching and choose Copy, then paste the link in here. Now if the first part of the link reads "htpps" you will have to delete the "s" in order for it to be embedded


Like this [smile]


If you don't delete the s it will look like this

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As far as posting Youtube videos. If you right click in the address bar of the video you are watching and choose Copy, then paste the link in here. Now if the first part of the link reads "htpps" you will have to delete the "s" in order for it to be embedded


Like this [smile]


If you don't delete the s it will look like this

Simple enough

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Right, OK thanks guys, I think I have it now. Will try a U-Tube thingy and see if it works.

This soundcloud and photo bucket, do you have to pay to be on them using them? [confused]


My computer has a temporary reprieve from the green mile... for now.

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As Saturn says most folk here have opened an account with photobucket.

Once you have that in place it's as easy as clicking on the IMG dialogue box.


As you seem to be using Windows when you select your image in your photobucket a/c the page should look something like this.

The dialogue box highlighted in green is the one to click;



Then ctrl+v (for 'Paste') in your answer and the image will be there when you add your reply.



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Thanks Pippy, I'll give this photobucket a go and see if that'll do it. All fingers over a fret board, but all thumbs over a computer.


And the computer is walking the green mile again and the fuse is dangerously close to "ol' Sparkie".

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It's rather daunting/complicated until you do it a couple times, and then suddenly it's no big deal...


Don't worry, once you've been successful a couple times it should come easily.


I use the "Insert Image" icon/button in the post toolbar and past an image URL which can be obtained by right clicking on any image on the web and clicking properties, or "Copy image URL." I highlight and copy that URL to clipboard or clicking "Copy image URL" will automatically do that for you. (right-click/copy or cntrl-c) or on Photobucket, that I use, I click on the "direct" link (as opposed to Pippy using the "IMG" link from Photobucket because you get an option of URL's to choose from; IMG/fourm code, Email/IM, Direct, and HTML) and then paste that in the drop-down dialog box for the Insert Image button, but... Photobucket on my account for whatever reason is adding "~original" to the end of every image URL after the .jpg or .gif file format at the end of the URL. This must be deleted by hitting back space immediately after pasting the URL into the Image URL field and deleting all the letters and the special character after the .jpg in the very end of the URL. Your cursor will automatically be at the very end of the URL, once you've pasted it into the "Image URL field," so this default is position is perfect to simply start pressing Backspace as soon as you've pasted the URL until the "~original" is gone...


Then click the "Insert Image" button in the drop-down under where you just pasted the URL and it will appear in your post.


I have no doubt Pippy's method may well be even easier than my own...


I don't know if any others here on the board are experiencing this issue with Photobucket or not, but it is something semi-recent that has caused me to have to re-learn my process differently to be successful. For all I know it is some account setting with Photobucket I could change, but I haven't figured that out yet as I found this method to bypass the issue...


As for YouTube video's I utilize the "Insert Media" icon/button in the post toolbar. In doing so the URL for the Youtube vid must be highlighted and copied from the address bar at the top of the browser rather than the "share" URL that YouTube provides below the video on the page.


I've also found the simplest way to bypass the https vs http thing in the process is to simply highlight and copy (to clipboard) only everything beyond the "https://" (or http://) in the address bar and when you click the "Insert Media" button in creating a post in her the "http://" will automatically show up in the input field in the drop down that opens. It will be automatically highlighted to be over-written by a paste so you need to click in the field just beyond that "http://" and then paste the URL that you copied from the address bar (omitting its http designation as I outlined) into the "Media URL" input field that appears when using this function. Then click the "Insert Media" button under the input field in that drop down and it will insert it as a line of code in your post. I simply hit enter before and after I insert either an image or video just so it starts on a new line by itself within the post and doesn't get wrapped with text.


When you hit the "Add Reply" or "Post New Topic" button below the post input field your video will appear within your post correctly...


The images appear as images within your post as you are creating it with this method, but the videos will appear as a line of text within your post as you are creating it until you've submitted the post and then it's live...


I hope this help, I still haven't figured out how to simply past screen-shots or snipits within a post to demonstrate/illustrate with images... msp_blink.gif


That would be along process of creating those screenshots & snipits, saving them as an image file, uploading them to my Photobucket and going thru that whole process for each illustrative image or attaching them directly from my computer to the post...


That's alot of work if you have several screenshots/snipits you want to use...


I don't see alot of others having the same issue with Photobucket that I do, but in case you get that same issue of the "~original"...


I have found that utilizing the Photobucket HTML link will add into the code a redirect that opens the image in a new window on/within your Photobucket account website to view the image, and does not simply insert it where you want it if you use HTML link code. This requires me to inspect the code carefully and delete out the part about redirecting to the Photobucket site, which is a pain in the @ss and this is not particularly acceptable in most uses of embedding it with HTML so I never use that method...


Photobucket seems to work fine for me so that's what I've defaulted to using, but I think any such image storage site will work just fine if it gives you URL link address for you to use this way...


Like I said once you do it successfully a couple times, suddenly it's simple...

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It's rather daunting/complicated until you do it a couple times, and then suddenly it's no big deal...


Don't worry, once you've been successful a couple times it should come easily.


LOL! :lol: LOL!

Sounds just like my sex life!! lol

Thanks for the advise mate, I'll try that too (on the computer, not my girlfriend I mean).

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I've often wondered why when myself and most others post a photo here, even though it's embedded in the page, if you hover your mouse over the image it turns into a Hand icon meaning you can click on it and you will be taken to the actual Photobucket account page of that person. That's fine with me as I don't mind anyone browsing my other photos.


But I notice some people's posted photos just seem to be a "in" the page just the same as text. And that hovering your mouse over the photo does nothing. I now assume this might have something to do with the different methods of copying/pasting the links as JimiMac elaborated. :-k

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Just tried "right clicking" the address bar (??) I get "Keep item visible" or "Remove Item" or Customize Tool Bar. Nothing to do with copy

Have you managed to get to the stage shown in post #11, Bill?

If so then you LEFT click to copy the IMG code.



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Smaller *.JPG photos also can be embedded as thumbnails that can be expanded by clicking on them.


They are directly attached when one uses the full "reply" editor.


At the lower left of the text text box is a small headline that says "Attachments."

Under that is "choose file."

That gives you the option of checking for the file you wish to upload, then selecting it.

Then hit the "attach this file." button.

(** Next to that "attach this file" button is information on the "global" amount of this sort of upload you are allowed, up to 500K (half a megabyte).


The strength of this mode is that it doesn't require an external web photo account.


The weakness of this mode is that it's doggone easy to upload files that are both too large and/or too large given your upload quota.


JPG almost always is preferable because it has the ability to be used in smaller files because it is a "compressed" type of file. OTOH, if compressed too much at a given size (photo dimensions and pixels per inch), it will "posterize."


The strength of the external photo site is that much larger photos can be directed to the forum. The weakness is that large photos will kinda clog the system, especially on some "devices." They may also cause problems if they're set as 72 dots per inch, 300 inches wide and 600 inches deep.


The attached photo here, btw, is a JPG scan from a poor quality (Pippy - stabilization) print in 1973 or '74. I didn't mess with it that much, but it's 300 dots per inch (dpi) and roughly 2 1/2 by 3 1/4 in size - about the same as an old film 4.5mm x 6 mm neg. Using PhotoShop, it was saved as a *.jpg at medium quality which should be plenty good for folk and old-time music.


The info on "attaching" Youtube videos above in this thread is good.



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I'm sure that Pippi, Surf or I would do anything to help anyone here on some of that more arcane stuff for most folks that we work with daily.


But don't anybody ask me about piloting or work on aircraft. The control systems of rotary aircraft have scared the heck outa me when I was hanging outa them taking pix, and a look at the controls in a B1-B and big civil aircraft? Nope. A potential camera or photo failure ain't the same. I'll happily leave that one to the pros.


I also know that I tend to forget how much "stuff" has changed with computers and photo handling since I started doing computer photo work 30 years ago or so - and learned lots of lessons by making lots of mistakes. I started doing work with pix for publication 50 years ago come February. I've been learning, and making more mistakes, ever since.


Old? Last week I did photojournalism seminars for a couple of high school photography classes - and to them, flashbulbs were as foreign and antique as the wet plate process photos used in the 1860s U.S. Civil War.


Yeah, that made me feel pretty old. Okay. It made me feel awfully old.


(Pippy - I'll message you an addy for a newspaper piece on the class.)


One problem in catching on to this stuff is that most computers nowadays "hide" the type of file format from just looking at the file. They assume it doesn't make any difference to most folks. That's probably why my answer may not have made any sense at all to many folks here - and anywhere else.


In the "olden days" of computer photo work on various computers, before the PC and after, you could tell a lot easier. That made my work a lot easier. I still have my work and home computers set to tell what file format is being used. Most folks don't need to know.


But usually consumer cameras are set up to save photos as the *.JPG file format. That format allows the camera and/or computer to figure how to make files smaller with the least amount of lessening quality. You get to pick the quality.


Folks might notice that the pix I uploaded is named "gib mdfidl2.jpg" Nowadays most computer setups hide the "dot jpg" that tells the file format. I have my home and work computers set so I can see all that sort of information because it makes huge a difference to me in my daily workplace.


Each of our desktops, at least, whether Mac or PC, has at least a simple photo editor built it. It should let anyone open a file, check for the size, and save it again in different file formats. The "Save As" should allow anyone to save in the JPG format if it wasn't originally.


BTW, for anyone having a difficult time with this stuff, don't feel bad at all. I tend to have at least one call a week to walk somebody through how to submit a photo for publication - sometimes even from others in the biz. And frankly, different "media" have different needs and technology involved that need something different from what I usually work with!



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Just tried "right clicking" the address bar (??) I get "Keep item visible" or "Remove Item" or Customize Tool Bar. Nothing to do with copy


Sorry, I should have clarified, when highlighting a URL or link address in the address bar of your browser all you have to do is left click on it and it will automatically highlight...


When I highlight only the portion I want, I simply place the cursor directly after the "http://" portion of the address then I left press and hold down (not releasing) and move the mouse to the right highlighting the entire remaining portion of the URL/web address...


If for whatever reason I want to highlight the entire address in the address bar I simply left click (releasing) anywhere in the address bar and the entire address is automatically highlighted.


Then again my PC uses Windows XP Home edition... I know I know, it's a dinosaur... I guess I'm still assuming any windows OS works the same or at least very similarly...


I understand you may have been speaking on a different post than my own. But I think the premise may still apply...


Also, another thing on Photobucket is when you left click on any of the 4 image link types it will also automatically save the link to the clipboard for pasting, saving 1 step anyway...

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I've often wondered why when myself and most others post a photo here, even though it's embedded in the page, if you hover your mouse over the image it turns into a Hand icon meaning you can click on it and you will be taken to the actual Photobucket account page of that person. That's fine with me as I don't mind anyone browsing my other photos.


But I notice some people's posted photos just seem to be a "in" the page just the same as text. And that hovering your mouse over the photo does nothing. I now assume this might have something to do with the different methods of copying/pasting the links as JimiMac elaborated. :-k


You are quite likely exactly right. For those of us that have spent any time in the past doing/orchestrating HTML code (creating websites from scratch before every hosting site on the planet started offering simple wizards that do all the code work for you) we find these little things that we understand how to modify to make it do more of what we want it to do rather than what the people who created those wizards and codes snips want it to do. I often read thru the HTML code in embed code snips and modify to my liking to remove such proprietary controls instituted by those that initiated it for their own marketing and proprietary desires that are often created to increase traffic on their sites to inflate the ad/marketing revenues by increasing click-thru/on counts...


Those places gotta pay for their "free" sites to the users by ad revenue so I don't generally hold it against them if I'm not paying for their services... But I do modify it to meet my desires rather than theirs... msp_cool.gif


I also find that the more time that goes by since I've done that kind of work, (Y2K) and haven't since, the less and less in-depth my skill are to do such things as the technology progresses further and further away from that point in time... msp_sad.gif

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BTW, for anyone having a difficult time with this stuff, don't feel bad at all. I tend to have at least one call a week to walk somebody through how to submit a photo for publication - sometimes even from others in the biz. And frankly, different "media" have different needs and technology involved that need something different from what I usually work with!





Thanks for all the advise there, honest, I'll try and work my way through it. It gets embarrassing sometimes when my girlfriend can zip through one of these things like she's applying lip gloss and I sit there struggling to type two fingered! lol.

I used to be able to (and still can, in my sleep, blindfolded) bring online a weapons system, weapons and weather radar, a/c systems status, and everything else assossiated quicker than lighting my smoke with my zippo, but this? Whoa...a real struggle sometimes. I envy those that do this easy.

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