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Epiphone Les Paul problem?


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I posted a while ago talking about the new Epiphone Les Paul guitar I bought my 17 year old son for Christmas. I posted a pic of it here with questions about straps, etc.


The back of the base of the neck where the neck meets the guitar had what looked like a small, superficial scratch on it. I bought the guitar on November 13 and he opened it Christmas morning and then we left home on 12-29 and we didn't return until 1-4. So the guitar wasn't played all that time.


As my son played it, the "superficial scratch" started to take on a more deliberate crack appearance. Ill try to post some photos.


I'm wondering what you guys think about whether it is a scratch or a crack.


Musician's friend, while friendly, informed me that I am out of the 45 day warranty. Gibson has offered me a Return Authorization in order to get a "warranty evaluation"... I'm waiting to see if they will pay for the to and from shipping. I assume not.


We are not a musical family and my son doesn't hang out with musicians, so I'm really bummed out about this first real guitar experience. Is this normal? My local place doesn't sell epiphone-- they sell Gretesch, so I had to buy it online as it wasn't available locally.

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Thank you. What a nightmare. Poor kid loves it so much he doesn't want to send it back if it means he won't have it for any length of time. I hope it doesn't take too long for the process and I sincerely hope (will insist) epiphone pays for it all (shipping).

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An Epiphone Les Paul is constructed of three or sometimes two pieces: a headtsock, a neckshaft (sometimes these two are combined), and a heel. What you are seeing is the joint between the neckshaft and the heel. Because the shaft and heel are cut from two separate pieces of wood, they have different hydration characteristics, and one has shrunk more quickly than the other, cracking the finish along the contour of the joint.


Red 333

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An Epiphone Les Paul is constructed of three or sometimes two pieces: a headtsock, a neckshaft (sometimes these two are combined), and a heel. What you are seeing is the joint between the neckshaft and the heel. Because the shaft and heel are cut from two separate pieces of wood, they have different hydration characteristics, and one has shrunk more quickly than the other, cracking the finish along the contour of the joint.


Red 333



Thank you for the explanation. It helps me visualize it.

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If it is a stress fracture, it happened before I even got the guitar... As in the guitar wasn't well inspected. when son showed me the issue, It was an ever so slight tiny looking scratch. I honestly thought nothing of It (but as I introduced myself in the first post, I'm a clueless mom and this was a first real guitar purchase).


I'm waiting for Epiphone's response to my email about how long this is going to take and who is paying shipping for this "warranty inspection". I have to say I'm kind of irritated about it.

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this rings a bell...


isn't this like the third or fourth thread where we've seen this same issue with Epiphones?


looks like a stress fracture. But Red's explanation seems sound.


I think if you look at any picture of an Epi Les Paul with a natural colored or semi-transluscent finish (or other Epi for that matter), you will easily see the joint betweeen the neckshaft and the heel, and see it's located where the crack above appears. I may be mistaken since the finish on the neck above is opaque, but I think this is the most likely explanation.


Red 333

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By any chance, when you spoke to Musicians Friend about the issue and they denied responsibility based on the sale being over 45 days old, did you ask to speak with a supervisor/manager & explain that it was purchased early as a Christmas gift and your son only became aware of the crack when he opened it?


I had a very similar situation the year before last and of course the customer service rep tried to put me off with the same excuse (that is after all their job - sell merchandise- minimize expenses). When I got someone who had the authority to waive their policy (be aware, it's NOT a question of them not being ABLE to - it's an issue of them being WILLING to), it was resolved in less than 10 minutes.


Got a return authorization, shipped it back and my son had a brand new replacement keyboard 4 days later.


Just a suggestion...


FWIW, I think going through Gibson/Epiphone directly may be more involved & time consuming than through the retailer.


Good luck.

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By any chance, when you spoke to Musicians Friend about the issue and they denied responsibility based on the sale being over 45 days old, did you ask to speak with a supervisor/manager & explain that it was purchased early as a Christmas gift and your son only became aware of the crack when he opened it?


I had a very similar situation the year before last and of course the customer service rep tried to put me off with the same excuse (that is after all their job - sell merchandise- minimize expenses). When I got someone who had the authority to waive their policy (be aware, it's NOT a question of them not being ABLE to - it's an issue of them being WILLING to), it was resolved in less than 10 minutes.


Got a return authorization, shipped it back and my son had a brand new replacement keyboard 4 days later.


Just a suggestion...


FWIW, I think going through Gibson/Epiphone directly may be more involved & time consuming than through the retailer.


Good luck.


Thank you, I will try again tomorrow. I spent nearly a thousand dollars at musician's friend in November and December, so I would like to pursue this with them,

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I think you can see that those of us who looked a bit at your earlier notes do truly care that your son - and you - have a good experience with guitar playing. It's of enough value to us that we wish the best to those just beginning a musical journey.



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Thank you, I will try again tomorrow. I spent nearly a thousand dollars at musician's friend in November and December, so I would like to pursue this with them,


And I would absolutely remind them of that fact. Easy enough for them to verify if they're so inclined. They should be aware it's bad business to alienate loyal customers.


Again, best of luck...

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Musician's Friend has stepped up beautifully and are allowing me to just send this one back to them and they are shipping me a new one. They were really nice about it and it has been easy once I laid out a reasonable list of why I would prefer for them to deal with this instead of me.


So it looks like this is no longer a drama and I am thankful for that.


I'm shipping the defective guitar back tomorrow to musician's friend.

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Good girl Mom!!!!!!! (I wouldn't say "girl" except I'm a lot older. And I can't help that.)


Keep us up on the tale. Gotta get that boy pickin' and grinnin'.


Hmmmm. You ever consider playing a bit of guitar?



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Good girl Mom!!!!!!! (I wouldn't say "girl" except I'm a lot older. And I can't help that.)


Keep us up on the tale. Gotta get that boy pickin' and grinnin'.


Hmmmm. You ever consider playing a bit of guitar?





I'm 45-- don't mind getting called "girl" these days. :)


Maybe I will try strumming eventually but funny story-- Hubby said once or twice he's like to get a bass and learn to play along with son-- you know, just sit there and look like he knows what he is doing, so I bought him a Fender bass for Christmas. Lol. Took a pic of him with it that is priceless-- the smile on his face was something. So maybe we will eventually become a musical family. Stranger things have happened...

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