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Maybe things will return to normal?


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Yeah...chances are they'll add it to their roster of neck shapes. 50's, 60's, Asymmetrical, and Aircraft Carrier(2015) [flapper] .




(HAHAHAHA!!) Too funny! CVG2015 LOL! [lol]


(good to see there is a sense of humour down deep there). [wink]

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Yeah...chances are they'll add it to their roster of neck shapes. 50's, 60's, Asymmetrical, and Aircraft Carrier(2015) [flapper] .





More one liners -


The neck's so wide you need a passport to go from one edge to the other.

Bring a jacket in case the weather's bad on the other edge of the neck.

The necks are so wide they work on them in both Nashville and Memphis at the same time.

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