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Best acoustic recording?


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Never really thought about it until I saw this thread, but now I realize that recording quality isn't a factor at all when it comes to the acoustic recordings that I enjoy. For example, I like many of the soundboard recordings from the Grateful Dead's brief acoustic period in 1969-70 (http://deadessays.blogspot.com/2009/08/deads-acoustic-sets-1969-1970.html)


Also like a many recordings of Rev Gary Davis and Lightnin' Hopkins, especially live concerts. I saw Norman Blake at a little coffeehouse back in 1979 and it was great. The University FM radio station taped the show and broadcast it the next day. Made a cassette recording and practically wore it out over the years. Last year I found it in a big box of tapes in the attic, so I ripped it and put it on my media server. I listen to that all the time and it would make an audiophile cringe. [biggrin]


Frankly, I never much cared for any kind of studio recordings, I really prefer the energy of a live concert.

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How come when I do that Media tag thing it never works for me? Swear I've tried everything.


And hey--FMA, you are a real guitarist! You don't have to be a studio whizz. Heck, by that measure, apparently even John Denver wasn't a real guitarist if he needed studio noodlers to help him out.


Check the URL you're posting. If it starts with HTTPS:// manually remove the letter "S" so it looks like this: HTTP://


I believe we owe this tip to Sal who figured it out.


As to me being a guitarist. Yeah, right.




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From a recording point of view, I tend to like lo-fi stuff without a polished sound, recorded with a minimalistic approach.


My alltime favorite acoustic recording is "Live at Massey Hall" by Neil Young

Another favorite is the Rick Rubin recorded acoustic stuff with Johnny Cash, like the "American Recordings" album.

Another one is Springsteen's "Nebraska"

The acoustic demo recordings for Jason Molina / Songs: Ohia "Didn't it Rain" sound fantastic too.


All of these recordings share a common rawness of sound that I like.

I feel that a lot of times studio productions and creations takes away from the songs. It becomes too much of a good thing.

This reminds me of a quote I read from a motor journalist who, when reviewing a new car, said that it suffered from design.



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From a recording point of view, I tend to like lo-fi stuff without a polished sound, recorded with a minimalistic approach.


My alltime favorite acoustic recording is "Live at Massey Hall" by Neil Young

Another favorite is the Rick Rubin recorded acoustic stuff with Johnny Cash, like the "American Recordings" album.

Another one is Springsteen's "Nebraska"

The acoustic demo recordings for Jason Molina / Songs: Ohia "Didn't it Rain" sound fantastic too.


All of these recordings share a common rawness of sound that I like.

I feel that a lot of times studio productions and creations takes away from the songs. It becomes too much of a good thing.

This reminds me of a quote I read from a motor journalist who, when reviewing a new car, said that it suffered from design.




I totally agree. Even on Nebraska, there is an awful lot of reverb, which I've always thought I'd prefer was not present. Or maybe Bruce recorded it in a very big, echoey hotel room :)

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This is my referance point for the acoustic tone Id like on a record. Perhaps a tad bright, but love the way it cuts through, the solo sounds tremendous. Right as if it was played infront of you.


Great record from the 90's.




Yep, sounds great! I am a sucker for that guitar/bass/drum sound, especially when it's an acoustic guitar, even when it's not a great recording.



Terrible recording, and the guitars (an SJ-200 and a Guild it looks like) sound terrible and piezoy. Always have loved the song though (another from the '90s), and again, just love that acoustic guitar/bass/drums sound (though when the guitars sound that much like piezo, one wonders if they can be considered acoustic).

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