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Joe Bonamassa sound check: backstage tips


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That explanation for top wrapping a bridge is the first one I heard that was actually a good reason. [thumbup]

Us guitar player types sure are a funny bunch at times.


Why can't the reason be "just because"? Or "I like it"?


To me, one thing I notice about a Gibby with tailpiece/bridge combo as opposed to other types is the feel of the thing. As opposed to Fender types. That part of the guitar is really an essential place, after all, that's where the right hand goes. The right hand does muting, picking, it could anchor on the bridge (or body). Whatever.


What I am trying to say, is that how we PLAY the thing has everything to do with technique. What we do with the right hand, and what it sets on, that's valid. Why we have to come up with "reasons" beyond that is beyond me.

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Us guitar player types sure are a funny bunch at times.


Why can't the reason be "just because"? Or "I like it"?


To me, one thing I notice about a Gibby with tailpiece/bridge combo as opposed to other types is the feel of the thing. As opposed to Fender types. That part of the guitar is really an essential place, after all, that's where the right hand goes. The right hand does muting, picking, it could anchor on the bridge (or body). Whatever.


What I am trying to say, is that how we PLAY the thing has everything to do with technique. What we do with the right hand, and what it sets on, that's valid. Why we have to come up with "reasons" beyond that is beyond me.


"Because I like it" has always been the best answer for me but it's rarely the answer given. Usually we get some pseudo junk science BS tale about how "this way is BETTER" which translates to "those who do it are wiser".


95% (a number I just made up) of the choices a guitar player makes regarding gear are based purely on looks and image and nothing else. But to admit would sound like the vanity of a poser, wanna be. Can't have that so BS "Tone Mojo" must be created.

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"Because I like it" has always been the best answer for me but it's rarely the answer given. Usually we get some pseudo junk science BS tale about how "this way is BETTER" which translates to "those who do it are wiser".


95% (a number I just made up) of the choices a guitar player makes regarding gear are based purely on looks and image and nothing else. But to admit would sound like the vanity of a poser, wanna be. Can't have that so BS "Tone Mojo" must be created.


I agree with that even if sadly I have to admit that at the beginning I was choosing my gear based on who's playing it and the look prior to how good I feel on it [blush]

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I really like Joe- his playing and his down-to-earth attitude! No pretense and solid thinking and info- gotta love that in a musician of his calibre!


It absolutely KILLS me how things certain (famous) musicians do are analyzed to DEATH and, as Searcy said, BS'd into oblivion (OK not his exact words but you get my drift).


"Because I like it" or "It just sounds good to my ears" should be the norm, as, more often than not, it is the truth.


But along with musicianship, and fame, comes some arrogance and the "How DARE you question what I DO!" attitude.


Goes along the same lines as "498Ts suck" "Fender Strats are junk compared to x brand" etc.


Opinion often gets in the way of reality.


Or as my old man used to say "Opinions are like a$$holes; everybody has one...they're often full of Sh!t"


JMHO [lol]



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