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Hey em7 , and other Donovan fans


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Heard 2 tracks so far, , , , Lalena is excellent. .



Agree with you on that one. A very different way of looking at an under-appreciated song.


Donovan's great misfortune was to be touted as the "Scottish Bob Dylan". It was an unrealistic expectation, and an unfair comparison. He has written some very, very good songs. I don't include "Atlantis" among them, but that's just me.

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The man is a survivor, and like him or not, he's talented. It doesn't seem like he's reinvented himself throughout the years. He's still pretty much the "Donovan" I remember from my youth. It can't be denied that he's a noticeable part of folk and rock & roll history/culture. I wasn't drawn to a lot of his music, but some of his songs were great. Glad he's still making himself relevant.

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I'm a big fan of "early" Donovan; several of those songs are still in my repertoire after all these years. Some of the later stuff, not so much. But during the summer I spent dating a beautiful girl (who later, luckily for me, became my wife) Sunshine Superman was popular. It was a magical summer, and that song will always be one of my all time favorites.

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Due to being born in 1968, I didn't come around to Donovan until 1983. In February of '83, I bought Bob Dylan's first album, since I was already itching to get away from the heavy metal stuff that most 14-yr-old boys were into at my school. I already owned nearly all the Beatles/Stones albums and Springsteen's Nebraska caught my attention for its novelty and then for the depth of the writing. Acoustic music seemed right. I made friends with an older kid who had many albums from the '60s and that June I borrowed the Blues Magoos' Psychedelic Lollipop, a bootleg tape of the Paul Simon Songbook, the Fugs' second album and Donovan's Fairytale. I had trouble getting into the hits of the day, but songs like "To Try for the Sun," "Universal Soldier,""Colours"... spoke to me in the simplest of ways. I loved the guitar playing, the voice and the melodies. I still do.


Eventually, I collected all of his albums up to and including Barabajgal. I've heard a few of his later ones but they never grabbed me. It felt like his time and place were over.

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I had trouble getting into the hits of the day, but songs like "To Try for the Sun," "Universal Soldier,""Colours"... spoke to me in the simplest of ways. I loved the guitar playing, the voice and the melodies. I still do.



Even though Donovan had a hit with "Universal Soldier", the song was written by Buffy St. Marie. One of my favorite songs of hers was "Cod'ine", one of the more hair-raising anti-drug songs over written.


Ironically, performing that song got me thrown out of the Mississippi Folk Festival in 1967. They told me "we don't want songs about drugs". Ironically, some of the other performers did songs about drugs, but the references were so veiled that the "adults" judging the auditions didn't understand them.


Not sure if that was the high point or the low point of my career as a folkie, but I changed my set list when I played in a pizza parlor thereafter. Then I figured out that bars were more my style when it came to audiences, and it was all downhill.

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"Hail Atlantis" - Bwahahaha. Other than that I am staying out of it. You can all thank me later.


Hahe, this thread hadn't been complete without post #9.


To you zomb, must be said :




"We choose to be Donovan fans, , , not because it's easy, , , but because it's hard"


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . J. F. Kennedy somewhere in the 60's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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