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AJ-45me NGD!


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I've been trying to tell folk how great these are for months. It will be a classic one day and everyone will want one and there will be none left. Get one now you won't regret it. I got mine in March and it just keeps on getting better.

I very, very nearly did until I received a horrendously large tax bill followed a couple of weeks ago with the news that I'm going to be laid off at the end of the year. Not a great time to be dipping into my savings :(

Besides, Epiphone have been dropping hints of a new Masterbilt in the near future and I am really curious to see what it will be.

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Where have you seen this hint dropping?

First as I posted here a couple of weeks ago http://forum.gibson.com/index.php?/topic/123961-zzzzzz/page__view__findpost__p__1698538

and then I read this last week http://www.epiphone.com/News/Features/2015/The-Epiphone-Masterbilt-Collection.aspx

Check the last paragraph

And the Masterbilt family is not done growing! Look for more Masterbilt instruments in the near future.
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And correct rosette and better pickguard.


Cliff there is a model with a better pickguard, correct rosette, correct bracing, nitro finish and better headstock - it's called a Gibson J45. I'm working on getting one - but until I do this baby has a nice tone and feel and don't look too bad when polished up.

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First as I posted here a couple of weeks ago http://forum.gibson....ost__p__1698538

and then I read this last week http://www.epiphone....Collection.aspx

Check the last paragraph



Oh Yes! I got that emailed to me by Epiphone. I think they are hinting on reissuing some old archtops under the Masterbilt banner. I reckon they may have missed the bus on that one though. Loar, Godin, Gretsch have done it over the past few years and there's no great market for archtops.

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Oh Yes! I got that emailed to me by Epiphone. I think they are hinting on reissuing some old archtops under the Masterbilt banner. I reckon they may have missed the bus on that one though. Loar, Godin, Gretsch have done it over the past few years and there's no great market for archtops.

Of course we're only speculating here, whatever Epiphone have in mind I would assume they have done their market research.

There's no guarantee that the next Masterbilt will be a guitar that appeals to me or, if it does, that I will be in a position to buy it. None of which dampens my curiosity one iota [lol]

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