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Guitarless and forumless in the wilderness


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Just got back from a two week road trip round the south island of New Zealand.Stunning part of the world.So there's been no guitar playing or forum reading for a while.

The only music shop I saw was in the little former gold mining town of Hokitika.The shop was shut but i could see two Lag guitars and five brightly painted ukes. Gibsons are a dream of the gold rush days.

Checked into the forum and it's Hummingbird Central...ooh...wouldn't mind one of them!

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I haven't seen LOTR's but I believe I travelled though some of that area.

As for the Rugby.I am kind of glad I won't be there for the final.If Australia manages to jag a win against the All Blacks - I may not have got out alive.They are a very welcoming people but obsessed with Rugby and their national team.

Good on you EA for putting BBG in his place....3 times [biggrin]

Sorry to our North American forumites for the obscure Rugby talk.

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Thanks Jesse.

And Sal...you do realise I've been and come back already? [smile] ..I can't blame you, with that Taylor your mind is on Higher Things!





Did you blow all your moneys on hollies, FB?


There is a 1963 Gibson Hummingbird F/S in the Blue Mountains:





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Did you blow all your moneys on hollies, FB?


There is a 1963 Gibson Hummingbird F/S in the Blue Mountains:






ooh...looks nice.'63 is a good year too isn't it.still a wide neck?

I just did 2 years tax today and I owe the buggers money.Maybe if I play a song on the Hummingbird at the work Xmas party I could claim it as a work expense!

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ooh...looks nice.'63 is a good year too isn't it.still a wide neck?

I just did 2 years tax today and I owe the buggers money.Maybe if I play a song on the Hummingbird at the work Xmas party I could claim it as a work expense!



The Tax Man Cometh?



Xmas Party claim could work. It is a Hummingbird, worth it, isn't it? [flapper]



One thing for sure, if I had room and if I bought it, I know real, real, real sure that I will never, ever,ever, ever,ever, did I say never ever... get a guitar delivered FROM the Blue Mountains. Boy oh Boy, the L-0 came from there and it took about a month and 5 taxi couriers. He sure did lie about the condition of the guitar too! Might be the same nit?



So BK's weekend could go very differently than planned - "Back in a mo, Love!" [sneaky] Take the Hummingbird copy and of course the disguise (case) and run the copy over near Lithgow.........








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