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Bridge pickup (zebra) cover for my LP Std Faded


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Sorry for those who already read this message yesterday ... but it disappeared mysteriously as I was telling to "Thunder" that the neck cover doesn't fit to the bridge pickup.

Is there someone here who found a bridge pickup cover for a zebra ?


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hey man... dont worry, here is what I answered:


Ok... just measured them...


Neck pickup

size: 66mm (which would be ... 2 inches and 38,5/64 inch)

pole spacing 5mm (which would be 12/64 inch)


Bridge pickup (size) 66mm (

size: 66mm (which would be ... 2 inches and 38,5/64 inch)

pole spacing 5mm (which would be 12/64 inch)


So yes, they are the same...



And here is the link to that thread:



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Man, I feel for you, Thunder. Your patience is amazing. Waiting for parts to arrive can drive a man wacky, especially when it's something we're so passionate about, but you must need x10 the amount of patience living in Ecuador. By the way, the photos in your sig., is that an Ecuadorian tradition?

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Hey men ! Great news : it WORKS !! I put the neck cover on my bridge pickup and after a few minutes of sliding and pushing, it fit !!! It was a bit difficult so that's the reason I gave up the first time I did, afraid to damage something ...

So now I can happily confirm that BBPros of Faded got the same size, and that the covers that fit are the NECK one.

YEAH thank you for all and have good times ...

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It was a bit difficult so that's the reason I gave up the first time I did' date=' afraid to damage something ...



Wise decision =P~




the covers that fit are the bridge one.



Really ... the bridge? I thought th neck covers were the ones for bb pros!!! (I already ordered them 2 neck covers ](*,) )

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