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Looking for a SIGNED Jimmy Page Custom?


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Just a quick reply here as time is limited at the moment.


In general I think anyone should do whatever they want with their own money and I don't judge them for it. If they want to buy a blue guitar or pay $6000 for a signature guitar or polish off the VOS finish or because they love Keiffer Sutherland as an actor and buy a guitar because of it or worship Slash that's OK with me. Variety is what makes the world go round!


I believe Page abandoned the aforementioned telecaster pretty much shortly after he bought LP #1 from Joe Walsh - so that would have been after the 1st album (of course, he still pulled it out once in a while for studio sessions like for parts of Stairway to Heaven). He used a single coil Danelectro (piece of crap) for special tuning songs like Kashmir. The Supro mentioned in an earlier post was an amplifier. That was replaced by Marshalls. Page is a Gibson man through an through and that has been well documented.


As far as his style what draws me to his playing is the strong blues undercurrent in masterpieces like "Since I've Been Loving You." His solos such as the one in "Stairway To Heaven" sound completely original and intricate to me. "Kashmir" is a great example of non conventional guitar playing that blends early rock with influences of the Scitar.


I don't listen to Slash because I don't care for his sound. I love Hendrix because that's what I grew up listening to and he was a wild man of guitar. I love The Edge but can only take so much of the arpeggios. Clapton is great but he gets a bit boring sometimes. Page is sometimes sloppy but he always goes for it - he's human and not afraid to show it. He's also a well mannered gentleman and I put a value on that. So we all buy different music and different guitars and have fun and that's what it's all about.


This forum is great for the exchange of ideas and information. I hope it never turns into a pissing contest. So far so good!

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  • 11 months later...

I have the 002. It was played by Page and meant to go to a friend. Justin Hawkins. Instead Page gave him his 001 which he now plays and has said he would go into a burning house to rescue it. The 001, 2 and 3 are stoptails. The 001, 2 were not signed on the neck and neither was the 003, which was also to go to a family member of JPs. It might very well be now in the hands of a family member. I have #087 with bigsby that one I play. the number 2 I have only had out of the case a few times for pictures. My insurance company had it appraised at 45k at this time. Someday I will aution it off through Christies in NY. In the mean time I just like having it around.

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Name one person that you could compare to Page.


Ya can't. He has his own unigue style and tone. That's what makes him great.


He's not some sterile sounding shredder, and he's not an all out, balls to the wall metalist, so lots of people come up with the "sloppy" put down as his major fault.


I don't get it.

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He didn't do anything innovative with it either. I have a book with someone using a violin bow on their guitar years before JP did it.


What do you mean he didn't do anything innovative with it?!?!? Page himself admits bowing the guitar was a gimmick, he's actually kind of embarrassed about it now. That aside, what about DADGAD? And his electronics? What is your definition of innovative?!?!? Not too mention his playing, blending so many genres together...It's fine if you don't like Page as a guitarist, but please don't say he wasn't innovative on his Les Paul. And he was even more innovative with his production work...


Jimmy Page is the F@#$!#G MAN!!!

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In my opinion Jimmy Page's riifs are just amazing! His versatility too as a musician make him so much more than just a Guitarist. His lead style live I love too.

I remember in a 1990 Guitar World Joe Satriani speaking in such reverence about Jimmy saying that he was a great guitarist, composer and producer..."what more could you want?"


Like I have said before, if someone wants absolute perfection, then seek it in the 500 years of wonderful Classical music that has been written, and still is being written today!!


If you want sheer animalistic, passionate and sensual music...that is what rock is for! I find this modern concept and illusion of it having to be perfect against the ethos of what rock is about.


Long live sloppy-ness!



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The Pictures of the 002 I just took today. This is the second time in a year it has been out of the original box. OK I know the one with Bigsby needs some cleaning that's because it is never in the box. I had it put away but that only lasted two days. I found out some very interesting (to me for sure) news this past week about the numbering and how many were actually made. It took me a year to get to the bottom of it with gibson. Also guitar center. I can tell you this that there were two #1s and Page got both of them. I will have to start a new post soon for the sorting of that info. Never the less (no pun intended) I love the way this sounds and plays!

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It's a six position toggle that lets you isolate the neck and bridge pickups or add the middle in any combination. Also the bottom outside knob is a push pull switch that splits the bridge humbucker into a single-coil. Page had his original Black Beauty customised by drilling holes in the top by the three way and adding two switches that accomplished the same results and made for some of the original Page sounds. It works pretty good but a little busy for one switch.

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I know I've made this point on previous topics' date=' but I'll repeat myself.


It drives me nuts to see people paying such ridiculous prices for a guitar. Someone on the recieving end is laughing all the way to the bank! Why even bother using the nicest wood, or bothering to do a good job with the electronics or even setting up nice action when you know damn well it will NEVER be played. How many times have you seen on Ebay some stating "I bought this guitar as an investment and it has never left the case." Maybe I'm just a party pooper when it comes to collecting.


Now I'll jump in on Page as a player. I am one of his biggest fans, but I do recognize that he can be sloppy. He can have a good night or bad night, depending on when you catch him. I've seen and heard live Zep that is much beter than Song. I too am amazed that he (and Plant) allowed some of that footage to be released. That's not even considering the cheezy fantasy stuff. But one thing to remember is that he really doesn't disguise his tone behind a bunch of gain. He mostly get's his distorton honestly through volume. I bet you would hear more mistakes from some of these shredders if thier tone wasn't so fuzzed out with gain. The thing I like best about Page is that his tone is so organic. It seems to come strait from his fingers, through the guitar and out the amp. You sometimes even hear his pick clicking on the strings, it's that pure.[/quote']


I must say I agree with you about Page's playing. I have always said Zeppelin was a better studio band. I am happy for all the times I saw them live though. And Page was a huge influence on my playing. But it was BB King that prompted me to start playing guitar.


As for investment guitars, I believe a good guitar should be played. However if I had bought Gibson Customs back when I was young ( they were 500 dollars or so) instead of investing in mutual funds or most any other stock I would have retired earlier than I did and with much more money. Same could be said for Classic Cars ETC. So if you are like me and don't trust stocks but still want a secure future without having to work you can't do better than guitar investing. There are many articles written on that. So it's just bussiness and not personl. I have also laughed all the way to the bank. and so will the person I was laughing about.

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OK, wow, I can understand Page not being someones thing, but to say he isn't good is nuts. He was a professional studio artist before led. Studio artist's can play anything you put in front of them on the first take. At least the ones that are in demand and he was. Just because the music he played with led is dirty doesn't mean he isn't good. What he did was made good music and NOT play like everybody else was. NOT play like all the execs wanted. NOT play like every other band out there. He was sick of playing all the session stuff. Look where it got him.


Someone on another forum said that Page was a tone magician but he isn't a good technical player. How's that? lol


OK, I will start believing that when I hear it from someone who is a big time session artist themselves. Someone who has the right to try rag on his play.

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