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Interesting Chance Meeting


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An older fellow, close to 80, struck up a conversation with me and my Son after watching me sell a cheap bass (via CraigsList) in the parking lot of a local ice cream joint.  I asked him if he played, to which he replied that he did a little, and that he inherited his Father's 1930's Gibson. He did not remember the model. His wife was NOT amused at him divulging this information to a stranger. Her mood soured as if he had cut a fart in church. It is a crazy world, after-all, so I do not blame her. We chatted for just a few more minutes as they completed their savory snacks.

I've got no interest at becoming a curator. I'm already nervous enough about newer models. That said, I would have loved to see and hear whatever it was that he had and was still cherished. I thought briefly of asking him/them if I could ever hear him play and see his guitar, having never seen one that old in person. Given the times of distancing and his wife's demeanor after the big reveal, I decided against it. Now it's sort of haunting me. Just a little. I mean, how many chances does one get to hear an old(er)-timer expound on such and item and memories involving it?

Anyhow, in an rhetorical vein, I wonder what would the right thing have been to say to him/them about any chances to see and have him show me and let me hear his prized heirloom?

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The right thing to say was probably just how you wrote it out for all of us...sincere and non-threatening.

We all come up with the right words when it's too late,don't we?

(I am interested in knowing " the rest of the story", too.)

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Gosh yes. That would have been a wonderful experience. I'm afraid that I can't think of the right form of words to invite oneself to a stranger's house.

I still kick myself that I didn't go and see a friend's old National guitar before he sadly died. I do have a standing invitation from his wife, but it would have been lovely to chat to him about it.

They went on a tour of the National factory when they were in the States. Said it was an amazing experience. 

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It is a shame- when what could've been a great find, with a good story behind it, gets nipped at the bud. Maybe leaving him with a phone number or email- if it is a small local ice cream place, ask to put a little card up. . . they might be back?   If nothing else, he could've had one of his kids or grandkids email you some pics for dissection here on the forum.  .  . at least he'd have some info. Thanks to the internet, many people think they've hit the jackpot when they get something old such as this. Too bad- you'd most likely appreciate it, unlike someone who would've turned around and sold it. Just tell yourself it was probably a tenor.  ; ).

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That kind of chance encounter is how I ended  p with my '42 J50.  We had heard rumors of it being around for years. But it was always stories told by somebody whom had heard about t from a friend of a friend.  Then one day out of the blue the owner wandered into a friend's small music shop.   At some point he mentioned he had an old Gibson in pretty rough shape.  To make a long story short, he brought it into the store and decided to sell it to somebody who would fix it up upon which it quickly made its way to me.  

Edited by zombywoof
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Hindsight is 20/20 in most circumstances. This one is one I'm still not sure what I'd say, except to start and let them drive after I know they know my intention to be pure.

I was pondering putting something into the local Craig's List, However, I think at that point, I'd be making into a more important thing than it really is.  Still, a possible outcome is someone knowing the fellow and lets him know about it. It's also possible that someone in a similar situation that he is  in wants to show off his similar pride and joy, leaving me with a similar experience. Make it clear that I am not a dealer, salesman or other. Same house for 20+ years, which is verifiable on the county records' website once we've gotten past that con-artist danger zone. 

On the CL thing, there are too many creeps out there. It's tough to dredge them out. It's sad. That said, I sold over 20 items in the past month to that many individuals, and all but a couple of them seemed like really good people. In these times, meeting 18+ good people in a short amount of time has been a welcome spirit lifter.

I'll check the place to see if there is any sort of common board to post a note on. It's a good idea. My wife suggested going back their at that same time on the next day where the flavor of the day is Pistachio. I win even if I lose. Their pistachio is good stuff.

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 PB you never know when or where opportunity arises. That is why you should carry a business card with your name and contact number. Just for instances like this .  It is polite, private and puts the ball back in their court. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Is it better than being forward and direct ? Only you can answer that one..but sometimes not being direct gets you know where. Lesson learned. Good luck.

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FreeByrd, that card idea sounds great. I am going to do that. Always one of those nifty ideas that I never pursue.

Lars, no, he was just sharing that he had his fathers. Basic guitar chat. 

Something about that lit a fire under my Son's butt, though. Not sure what it was. Maybe the thought of inheriting one/some of mine. My GT-001 got sequestered and my PRS SE graple bat monster electric is sitting beside is chair upstairs as we speak. I hope he does something. He had a decent sense of chord voicing last time he tried. That must have been 10-12 years ago. Got him an ibanez classical the day we went back to the store to pickup the replacement 'Bird two years ago. He's got a good feel for the notes, seems to pick them OK. Poof! hasn't been out of the bag in a year. 


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