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Can we play something from the 60s or 70s?


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Hello fellows,

I recently sent a LP guitar to the USA to my friend in Virginia. He has already received the first parcel (with the guitar body) and is very satisfied.  Now a second parcel (with the fretboard and other guitar parts) is on its way.

And  to show him how his new guitar might sound I recorded a couple of tracks, cover versions  on the Beatles and Paul McCartney songs  (I Want You (She’s So Heavy) and Let Me Roll It). This is of course just   sketches in guitar version,   but it seems my friend liked it. These sketches can probably be turned into full guitar versions. And maybe some of you will play them better than me: https://soundcloud.com/valeriy-2/iwshessoheavy


In turn, I am leaving tomorrow and for a while, probably a couple of weeks I will be without the Internet, however I hope you enjoy these guitar ideas 😋.

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Now I looked at on the Internet for the tracking number where the second parcel (with the neck) is located, you won't believe it,  the guitar body is already in the USA in my friend's hands, he sent a photo with it, and the neck is still in Russia in Moscow  🤔  It is written on the tracking site that “Prepared for shipment from Russia”. This entry has not changed for almost a week has passed. The case is non-standard, usually vice-versa, guitars go from the USA to Russia.

But I sent the second parcel later, when I saw that the first one arrived safely. And the main part was the body, it is with active electronics and the box for it was double. Secondly, the fretboard was much longer than the body and did not fit into the first parcel. And for the neck I had to make a special elongated box, so it's safer, I think.

So, I'll be on the train tonight and I will not able already to be here. Then, when I arrive (I'm going to Crimea, please don't scold me, my mom is there), probably  I will be at home a couple of weeks, a kind of quarantine. And when I get back, probably in September, I'll play some more Pink Floyd stuff, some ideas too. Although some other things need to be rerecorded. Here is one of them, it seems, it can be made as a beautiful thing for guitar:

 I hope, maybe, you will record something down by September too. Good luck.

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