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NGD (Warning: NOT a Gibson...)


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My Taylor 717e BE is perfect verging on the ‘Synths’ type perfect in the series ‘Humans’ (robots overtaking humans).....but the presentation straight out of the box last year was just.....have to say....faultless. Built in ‘radio era tone’ to alleviate the perfectness of the bright Taylor models.......even has a bit of a growl. But the V bracing, finish is just excellent (on mine). Beautiful setup.





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46 minutes ago, zombywoof said:

I have to admit that when  I think of a Taylors I get a mental image of a bunch of guys in lab coats hovering over a guitar looking like they are performing an alien autopsy.  

hahaha!  say zomby... got any left of what ever you was smokin at the time?  I could use a bit of  lift..

and I don't mind the hijack, actually,,  it's nice to have robust discussion going on in the forum and not a rock's been thrown..  Go figure!



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If you cut the bass and treble knobs by 1/2, the electronics are designed to accentuate the mids! (ala Gibson!)

Just saying I have glued my 717 knobs in that spot - that is my sound! Bare fingers and less treble....it makes a HUGE difference. Most guitars with electros, I leave on 'flat' but these knobs actually work - HEY!





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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, zombywoof said:

Hey Bob, you had better look over your shoulder.





Good find.

But I think Bob is off in Africa growing eco  ebony plantations, leaving Andy to run the ship.

I am thinking that the bracing may have been changed to 'V' bracing after they read Andy's stuff about guitar top vibrating along an axis.......and X bracing can get in the way of that at some points and cause dud notes.......

Or maybe the original braces just plain old fell off!



Yuk Yuk! Here is my Taylor slope shoulder rosewood/torrefied sitka  if it had my Gibson J50 pickguard! I could get the back taken off and do the opposite of the chaps with the Harmony above and take the V brace OUT and put ladder bracing IN!😆






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12 hours ago, zombywoof said:

Oh ye of little faith.   Think about it.  A Taylor wrapped in Old School Chicago.   The mind wobbles.  These are the guys who did my Harmony conversion.  But it was years back so I got a Martin inspired X brace.  


I think Andy Powers of Taylor was hoping to make a guitar with 'older' tone when he invented the Grand Pacific model. Here he is playing and discussing the model at Fretboard Journal:










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