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My grandfather had a Gibson j45 from the 1940’s and I’d like to know more about it also I need advice on what to get done to fix deadnotes on the guitar(I have no intent on selling the guitar, I just want to know more about a big part of my family and it’s history)



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How wide is the lower bout?

Is there an ink stamp inside on the neck block?

Any reputable luthier should be able to fix you up. Tell us where you're at and someone will know a luthier in your area.

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What a beauty, and a high value one! The way I would handle it is to find a nearby guitar shop or luthier who has a good reputation with valuable vintage guitars and put it in their hands, mentioning that they shouldn't change parts or alter anything except as it pertains to stringing it up and making all the notes ring out. This would be square one.

Dollar value for your 'Banner' J45,  FYI, is above 6K.

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I’m in Oklahoma 

I don’t have any of that information on the  sizes or if there’s a stamp but I know it was an early 40’s and that it’s authentic my grandmother was with my grandad when he bought it in the 40’s at a Gibson dealership



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5 minutes ago, jedzep said:

What a beauty, and a high value one! The way I would handle it is to find a nearby guitar shop or luthier who has a good reputation with valuable vintage guitars and put it in their hands, mentioning that they shouldn't change parts or alter anything except as it pertains to stringing it up and making all the notes ring out. This would be square one.

Dollar value for your 'Banner' J45,  FYI, is above 6K.

Thanks for the information I will maybe talk with a local guitar shop I know they have fixed an amp I own from the same Era 

I’ll for sure to talk to them and get a quote 


any idea what kind of wood it is?

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3 minutes ago, Dave F said:

It may be the angle, but the width of that guitar in comparison to the bridge has me wondering if it's an LG2. The J45 should be around  16" wide.. The LG2 is  around  14-1/2"

I will for sure give you some measurements on it when I have the ability to do so I have some other pictures of it helps at all 

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Also I’m not for sure if it’s a j45 I had on another forum in the past and someone said it was a j45 but it wasn’t Gibson dedicated and I also had a lot of predatory offers to buy it (had a guy offer me $100)  but to me it’s one of them things that doesn’t have a price 

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1 minute ago, jedzep said:

Nice! When you get it playable, will it actually get played regularly?

It’s playable right now it’s spotty past the I wanna say 14th fret with the dead notes. it tunes well and could use a new set of stings but I’m afraid to do that on my own


but yeah I play it a lot and plan to keep playing but I’d like have the full fretboard 

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Now there's another question. It has a price, alright, though. Not now for you, anyway.

If it's going to sit in a case and not get played and/or protected from elements like dryness, humidity, or sudden swings in these conditions, you'll want to keep reduced string tension for storage.

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Glad to hear you're the player. I can hear the heavy breathing of fellow forum geeks lusting for a guitar like this. Enjoy!

Also, there's a good chance it just needs a setup, but the fact that the 14th fret is where the tone flops could mean the neck needs to be brought into line in the appropriate way.

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19 minutes ago, Dave F said:

It may be the angle, but the width of that guitar in comparison to the bridge has me wondering if it's an LG2. The J45 should be around  16" wide.. The LG2 is  around  14-1/2"

So I did some looking and I’m pretty sure it’s an Lg2 I did a quick google search and the compared the two models and the contours on the body of my guitar look more closely like that of the Lg2 


I also know that my grandma had someone try and buy the guitars from her and offered about 7k according to her and I don’t think an Lg2 would fetch that price from what I saw online

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From what I read the j45 is know for having a very thick neck would a Lg2 have the same thickness of the neck? My guitar has a massive neck ,much larger than anything I’ve ever played before

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Dave knew what he saw. It's not merely that it's an LG2, a high qual guitar anyway,  that jacks up the value, but it's the year/era makes it above 5-6K.
As Dave said, it's the width of the body that determines these model differences. Both high dollar gits.

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1 minute ago, jedzep said:

Dave knew what he saw. It's not merely that it's an LG2, a high qual guitar anyway,  that jacks up the value, but it's the year/era makes it above 5-6K.

Ok that makes since The value doesn’t really matter to my ya know but it was important for me to figure out more about the guitar and to learn more about it.

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Looks to be in great shape. Get a good setup, a better case and enjoy it. Keep it in the family. As mentioned, it's still a great valuable guitar.

The bridges from that era are usually 1" x  6" so that gives you a visual ruler when looking at photos. 

I'd love to have a piece of my family in the form of a handed down guitar. Only thing I have like that is my first guitar, an almost 60 year old Kay guitar my Mom bought me.


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