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The Rolling Stones New Album


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On 9/8/2023 at 12:39 AM, 'Scales said:

First single sounds just fine to me - Americana radio friendly, straight ahead rocker with nice melody shift, cool bluesy soloing, and foot tapping beat. 

Decent. Cool. Nice work. [thumbup]

Agree - it's a pretty kool tune and it has spirit. (my keyboard-player says it features auto-tune too 🤓).

Never mind - a fine single to start out with. I got my first in 65 = Time is on My Side.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Roll on there

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On 9/10/2023 at 10:51 AM, Sheepdog1969 said:

I have listened to it straight thru 3 times now.  Obviously the first time was right after you recommended it, and the second & third were last  week while doing some house work. One of the first things I noticed was how Rock the House had a Zeppelin vibe that was unexpected but cool. Hard Times and Sweet Candy drew my attention as well. Play Ball and Baptism would be my next favs. The album defiantly motivated me, and made boring house work more enjoyable. I think I prefer Power Up over Rock or Bust possibly because of the "fatter" mix, (Wall of Sound Specter esque). For me, Rock and Roll ain't noise pollution, Have a Drink on me, Dirty Deeds, and Thunderstruck are my all time favs. They set quite a high bar for the band to surpass. Thanks again!

No problem. Glad you enjoyed it. All great songs that you mention. I've had Back in Black since I was 11 or 12 years old in the mid 90's. My favourites on that record were Shoot to Thrill, What Do You Do For Money Honey and Let Me Put...' My favourite albums by them are probably Highway to Hell, Powerage, Flick of the Switch, Live (1992) and Ballbreaker, but I enjoy all of them. I always liked Fly on the Wall too, though it often gets panned. 

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On 9/10/2023 at 4:18 PM, Dub-T-123 said:

The overall best album (which charted) I can think of since 2000 is probably “In Rainbows”.

Bodysnatchers was the biggest hit and a great song. 15 Step was used pretty prominently in the movie Twilight which like it or not was a cultural phenomenon that year


Almost nobody on the forum will like this music because of Thom Yorke’s voice but for me that was an album where every single track was a masterpiece and really pushed what is possible creatively and in the studio

I think Radiohead definitely contributed some excellent music to the world. 'Pyramid Song' comes to mind as does 'The National Anthem' and 'Idioteque'.  Having said that, I've always had a bit of a love/ hate relationship with them (as I also have with The Beatles - yes, I said The Beatles). I think when I was young lots of people seemed to love Radiohead and it put me off them to a certain extent. Back then I loved GN'R, Led Zep and AC/DC  and a lot of people were telling me that the bands I loved were crap and I should listen to Radiohead, Oasis, Blur etc. Luckily, I ignored the people telling me things like that, but it made me dislike a lot of the 'indie' type crowd that Radiohead originally came from. Luckily Radiohead broke away from the indie sound of The Bends with Ok Computer and especially Kid A. Both those records are fantastic in my opinion. I went down many other music routes since then and I rarely listen to Radiohead anymore, but I still often listen to Led Zep, AC/DC & GN'R.

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9 hours ago, cody78 said:

I think Radiohead definitely contributed some excellent music to the world. 'Pyramid Song' comes to mind as does 'The National Anthem' and 'Idioteque'.  Having said that, I've always had a bit of a love/ hate relationship with them (as I also have with The Beatles - yes, I said The Beatles). I think when I was young lots of people seemed to love Radiohead and it put me off them to a certain extent. Back then I loved GN'R, Led Zep and AC/DC  and a lot of people were telling me that the bands I loved were crap and I should listen to Radiohead, Oasis, Blur etc. Luckily, I ignored the people telling me things like that, but it made me dislike a lot of the 'indie' type crowd that Radiohead originally came from. Luckily Radiohead broke away from the indie sound of The Bends with Ok Computer and especially Kid A. Both those records are fantastic in my opinion. I went down many other music routes since then and I rarely listen to Radiohead anymore, but I still often listen to Led Zep, AC/DC & GN'R.

I of course respect the content of you post, but somehow Yorke + R-head clash too hard towards the wall, , , or floor in a thread about Rolling Stones. . 

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14 hours ago, E-minor7 said:

I of course respect the content of you post, but somehow Yorke + R-head clash too hard towards the wall, , , or floor in a thread about Rolling Stones. . 

Ah yes, I was just replying to comments that someone else had posted. Slightly off topic indeed. Going back to the Rolling Stones, I thought the new song Angry was pretty good. Has references to their classic sound. I enjoyed it. 

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