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If you do not want to catch the Manbirdpig flu dont get vaccinated

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The flu killed 10's of millions of people worldwide at the end of WWI...There was a worldwide epidemic, and it spread everywhere, even without easy global travel like we have today. Many of the people that died were the young and healthy. It is a little scary, and there are no vaccines to stop the spread...Just sayin.

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Influenza kills plenty of people every year--usually old folks who need to die anyway. (j/k) The vaccine is based on what is expected to be the most common strain or strains each flu season. Don't know what's going on in Mexico, but it shouldn't be all that surprising that a developing country had 60 people die from the flu. Now the 7 in the U.S. who have swine flu---that's weird, but still....

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We seem to be in a mindless panic over this new flu strain. Get a grip folks. There are new strains all of the time. This one is described as having "normal" flu symptoms. Why the panic? Maybe because it has no marketable vaccine. Maybe because we can blame Mexico. The panic is senseless and unwarranted.

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Natures little way of keeping the planet in check.


Grampa is right though, most people get so scared and they have the right to be. But no one should go into a panic, that whens things really go bad. These pandemics seem to happen every 40 years or so, I believe the last big on was in 1968. And do anybody remember the avian flu?


Drink orange Juice

get plenty of sleep

wash your hands

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lets not start the "global warming" thing guys....


It's actually not a global warming thing! It's probably more related to humans moving into territories where we've never been before and also just normal mutation of viruses.


Drink orange Juice

get plenty of sleep

wash your hands


Best advice ever! Washing your hands is the #1 way to prevent infection. And OJ and sleep certainly won't hurt.

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