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Gibson Brands Forums

Wow...just wow...i feel like hugging axe. *FIXED FOR THE 2ND TIME!!*


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I cant belive i just got my *** kicked by some dude...some random dude...i cant take this anymore.



I don't see where he kicked your a$$... I do see he is full of sh|t...


I have no respect for people that come in and start talking about people that has been here for some time. Im ok with them having an opinion about the forum (it is bad' date=' it sucks, it is good) as long as they can back that opinion (it sucks because of [insert valid reason here']), but they shouldnt voice their opinion on members until they get to know them.

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I don't see where he kicked your a$$... I do see he is full of sh|t...


I have no respect for people that come in and start talking about people that has been here for some time. Im ok with them having an opinion about the forum (it is bad' date=' it sucks, it is good) as long as they can back that opinion (it sucks because of [insert valid reason here']), but they shouldnt voice their opinion on members until they get to know them.


Plunker ](*,)

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I have a sneaky suspicion that the original poster is not someone new' date=' but yet another alias among us.

Someone who has been around a while. [/quote']

Sure, could be....

I didn't give it much thought really.

All I see is a boatload of unabashed, shameless, pompous, self-absorbed arrogance.

That usually spells fun for me, no matter the source......


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