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Joe the (not real) plumber speaks.


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Most of the America founding fathers were Deists' date=' The writer of the declaration of independence did not believe in the divinity of Christ and even wrote his own bible without the miracles. (Look up The Jefferson Bible)


Thomas Paine was a Anti-Theist, Deist British philosopher who allot of people give credit for sparking the American Revolution, Thomas Paine was later cast out by future Christian presidents as being nothing else but a "Filthy little Atheists" Theodore Roosevelt.


So your assertion that the American founding fathers were Christian is a false hood as they all withheld different creeds and religion.[/quote']


Woot! The BULLSH!T meter just went off!


Most of the founding fathers were Christian, a few were Deist, Atheist, etc...Look it up, find out for yourself. Even the Deists such as Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson acknowledge a God a Creator, they were against organized religion, NOT GOD!


THHG, You are full of crap my brother...what time is it in your country?

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Woot! The BULLSH!T meter just went off!


Most of the founding fathers were Christian' date=' a few were Deist, Atheist, etc...Look it up, find out for yourself. Even the Deists such as Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson acknowledge a God a Creator, they were against organized religion, NOT GOD!


THHG, You are full of crap my brother...what time is it in your country?[/quote']


Dude do you know what Deist means? Deists believe in God and i did not say they were all Deists i was only pointing out that they were not all Christians.


Obviously if you are a Deist you are not against the idea of God since you believe in one, My Spin meter goes off every time you reply to me KSG.


And its 7:07 AM.

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Dude do you know what Deist means? Deists believe in God and i did not say they were all Deists i was only pointing out that they were not all Christians.


Obviously if you are a Deist you are not against the idea of God since you believe in one' date=' My Spin meter goes off every time you reply to me KSG.


And its 7:07 AM.[/quote']


Aren't you a Brit? In Britain? Didn't you reveal these facts about yourself?


I'll bet that I know more about US history than you do, and that I can back up my arguments with facts, historical references and reasonable logic.


If you are not an American, then I really don't care what your opinion is on the founding fathers of the U.S.

No offense intended towards any other non-American reader of this post.


You are entitled, as we all are, to believe anything that you want to, but I'm saying that you are full of sh!t and are either poorly educated or intentionally obtuse.

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Most of the America founding fathers were Deists' date=' The writer of the declaration of independence did not believe in the divinity of Christ and even wrote his own bible without the miracles. (Look up The Jefferson Bible)


Thomas Paine was a Anti-Theist, Deist British philosopher who allot of people give credit for sparking the American Revolution, Thomas Paine was later cast out by future Christian presidents as being nothing else but a "Filthy little Atheists" Theodore Roosevelt.


So your assertion that the American founding fathers were Christian is a false hood as they all withheld different creeds and religion.[/quote']


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Aren't you a Brit? In Britain? Didn't you reveal these facts about yourself?


I'll bet that I know more about US history than you do' date=' and that I can back up my arguments with facts, historical references and reasonable logic.


If you are not an American, then I really don't care what your opinion is on the founding fathers of the U.S.

No offense intended towards any other non-American reader of this post.


You are entitled, as we all are, to believe anything that you want to, but I'm saying that you are full of sh!t and are either poorly educated or intentionally obtuse.


What does me explaining to you what Deist means have anything to do with America? I am sorry my friend but we have allot of knowledge here about the Revolution since it was a British rebellion.


What am i being full of **** about? That Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine (who in fact was British) were Deists? Thats a pretty well known fact.


Seriously are you reading the same forum as i am? or are you just spinning **** around like always?

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From your very own website.


"Thomas Jefferson Virginia Episcopalian (Deist)

Benjamin Franklin Pennsylvania Episcopalian (Deist)"






"Benjamin Franklin was raised as an Episcopalian but was a Deist as an adult."

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...Seriously are you reading the same forum as i am? or are you just spinning **** around like always?


I think we're reading the same forum...It's the same forum where you started posting your anti semitic and anti Christian drivel just 260 or so posts ago...right?

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I think we're reading the same forum...It's the same forum where you started posting your anti semitic and anti Christian drivel just 260 or so posts ago...right?



Why do you do this? Instead of actually answering the question you bring up something completely irrelevant to the subject.


Seriously dude what the hell is wrong with you?

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You started with this LIE....

Most of the America founding fathers were Deists...


It is a fact, that most of the founding fathers and a majority of the citizens of the colonies were Christian, not Deist. So when you start off with B.S. it's all downhill from there...

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You started with this LIE....


It is a fact' date=' that most of the founding fathers and a majority of the citizens of the colonies were Christian, not Deist. So when you start off with B.S. it's all downhill from there...[/quote']


Is it a lie? or is it a misconception? I mean at least Rock4 came with a link and proved his point instead of being a pompous prick.


P.S "Hitler had the right idea" thing was a joke by Bill Hicks that i thought would have been funny for that post so get your **** together dude because i am beginning to believe there must be something written in your bible which tells you to act like a precious, petulant, pugnacious prick forgive the alliteration but your persistent, power-mad punch-ups are starting to piss me off.


Bill Hicks Hitler Rant.

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we are so posed to be free from religious persecution. Who's persecuting you?


And church and state are so posed to be separate. Where is that written?


The only time Eye get mad at someone for their religious views is when the try to push them on me without me asking first.

Thats the point. You guys always bring it up and mock others beliefs while claiming to be tolerant and what the heck is "so posed"
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Is it a lie? or is it a misconception? I mean at least Rock4 came with a link and proved his point instead of being a pompous prick.


P.S "Hitler had the right idea" thing was a joke by Bill Hicks that i thought would have been funny for that post so get your **** together dude because i am beginning to believe there must be something written in your bible which tells you to act like a precious' date=' petulant, pugnacious prick forgive the alliteration but your persistent, power-mad punch-ups are starting to piss me off.


Bill Hicks Hitler Rant.



Give it up, THHG. You can point out all the TJ quotes about how there is "no redeeming feature" of the Christian religion you want, but they will still never admit that the men who wrote the Constitution did NOT believe in the Christian god. (Yep--I said it. Deism is NOT the same as Christianity. Deism acknowledges that a god *might* have put the universe in motion, but abandoned it afterwards). They're too busy looking at the PC version of what they wrote to actually look at their personal correspondence.

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Back to the point.


Is Joe the (not a real) Plumber a true American.


Hmmm, well he fraudulently claims to be a plumber. He also doesn't pay his taxes.


I'll bet many of you still think he's a good spokesman for the good wholesome American way.



Perhaps my next thread will be Shara Palin. She's hot! That's what the right wing nut jobs need a hottie running their party of crazies.

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Which part?


I thought the whole thread was weak from the start. I found it amazing that even though I only posted it for profiling purposes they came out of the wood work to jump in.

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Here's some TJ quotes for you to study...


I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.


To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.


I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious.


The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.


When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.


In matters of style, swim with the current;

In matters of principle, stand like a rock.


What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?


The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all.


Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread.


The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.


Most bad government has grown out of too much government.


A free people [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate.


An elective despotism was not the government we fought for.



"The constitutional freedom of religion [is] the most inalienable and sacred of all human rights." --Thomas Jefferson: Virginia Board of Visitors Minutes, 1819. ME 19:416


"Among the most inestimable of our blessings, also, is that... of liberty to worship our Creator in the way we think most agreeable to His will; a liberty deemed in other countries incompatible with good government and yet proved by our experience to be its best support." --Thomas Jefferson: Reply to John Thomas et al., 1807. ME 16:291


"In our early struggles for liberty, religious freedom could not fail to become a primary object." --Thomas Jefferson to Baltimore Baptists, 1808. ME 16:317


"Religion, as well as reason, confirms the soundness of those principles on which our government has been founded and its rights asserted." --Thomas Jefferson to P. H. Wendover, 1815. ME 14:283


"One of the amendments to the Constitution... expressly declares that 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press,' thereby guarding in the same sentence and under the same words, the freedom of religion, of speech, and of the press; insomuch that whatever violates either throws down the sanctuary which covers the others." --Thomas Jefferson: Draft Kentucky Resolutions, 1798. ME 17:382


"The rights [to religious freedom] are of the natural rights of mankind, and... if any act shall be... passed to repeal [an act granting those rights] or to narrow its operation, such act will be an infringement of natural right." --Thomas Jefferson: Statute for Religious Freedom, 1779. (*) ME 2:303, Papers 2:546

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He also doesn't pay his taxes. I'll bet many of you still think he's a good spokesman for the good wholesome American way.


Ooh, double standard here in the lounge today.

Timothy Guitner hasn't paid his income taxes and we know that Tom Daschel hasn't paid his either.#-o

Wonder if they're good spokesman for the good wholesome American way:-"


How about that Nancy Pelosi lying to the American people that she didn't know anything about our government torturing people?


Week point. Argumentative as usual.

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Ooh' date=' double standard here in the lounge today.

Timothy Guitner hasn't paid his income taxes and we know that Tom Daschel hasn't paid his either.#-o

Wonder if they're good spokesman for the good wholesome American way:-"


How about that Nancy Pelosi lying to the American people that she didn't know anything about our government torturing people?


Week point. Argumentative as usual.[/quote']


Hitler killed millions and so did Stalin which one was worse? Neither they are both assholes, So if one guy does not pay taxes then he deserves to go to prison no matter what party affiliation he is in and so does all those other people you are talking about.

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