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Ya Eye get to go through this tomarrow

The Mick

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They'll probably give you some Versed beforehand so you won't remember what's happening. Might have a bit of a sore throat after, though. I dodged that bullet a couple of months ago. My boss had one not long ago, though, and she was out for the procedure. Good luck!

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I got intubated once for a severe asthma attack. Once the tube gets past the part that tickles when water "goes down the wrong tube" it's not so bad. Kind of feels uncomfortable, like swallowing an ice cube and feeling it go down. It looks worse than it really is - you'll probably gag a little at first and when they take it out, but as long as you're chill during the procedure the worst you'll have is a slightly sore throat afterwards.

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My concern is they may have to do surgery tomorrow depending on what they find. It's most likely a hiatal hernia. Eye can't handle going with out food for a while if it is. Eye can't even have anything to drink tonight. Eye'm just sick of Doctors and need to ***** a little.

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The worst part about being intubated is being aware of it cause they usually give you something to keep you from gagging. You'll be fine--most docs today are well aware of the "fright" factor involved with a lot of these procedures so they use whatever they can to get you past them!!


When I had my LASIK surgery on my eyes, even, they offerred me a Valium beforehand. I took it, but it didn't get me completely past my anxiety. Just let them know if anything hurts or freaks you out. They'll work with you. Trust me on that, we're trained to do that!

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Eye've been poked and prodded at for the last 15 years and most doesn't bother me. But when Eye had my tonsils out 5 years ago (kinda late) and they worked on my neglected broken nose 10 years after that insolent Eye was so F'n miserable and couldn't eat

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My concern is they may have to do surgery tomorrow depending on what they find. It's most likely a hiatal hernia. Eye can't handle going with out food for a while if it is. Eye can't even have anything to drink tonight. Eye'm just sick of Doctors and need to ***** a little.


Ok! I totally understand where you're coming from on this! I hate the whole "can't have anything by mouth" thing for any amount of time. Keep your fingers crossed that it's just for one day. If not, at least you'll figure it out quickly and get it fixed. I've been in the ER in the last couple of months because I was vomiting blood, so I know how it feels to worry that your whole digestive system is screwed! But, there's always the possibility that it's only 1 or 2 days of not eating and then you'll be okay and you won't remember the worst part of it.


I'll keep you in my thoughts!

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I had surgery a couple of years ago and they fixed my nose (it had been broken 30 years ago) while they were in there...those bastidges! I was miserable too...with a swollen face and those freakin plastic tubes in my nostrils...The upside is that in the hospital, I got to sleep a lot on some killer drugs...

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