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What is a NeoCon? Product of a Liberal environment....


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Up until my last post Neo' date=' I never even made any remark or even any reference to guns, [/quote']

I seem to recall a pic you posted showing yourself in uniform, coulda swore I saw a gun in there.

Later you made a reference affirming the finer points of the H&K MP-5.

Made you a hero of the common man in my book, I appreciate your service and envy your likely skill level.




I was poking fun at your lengthy government based pontification.
Government based? I'm not talking about government' date=' I'm talking about people and their skewed mindset.



If someone asks me what I do for a living' date=' I will tell them, even sometimes supported by a picture, hence your above remark... but I'm curious where it was that "I" stated that the rest of the world was "Incapable of owning" guns??? I have stated that we here in the UK don't need the general population armed. There's enough teenagers dieing on the streets of London through knife crime alone...[/quote']In a right and just world, the knife guys would get a bullet thru their head.

Problem solved.

I suppose your ideal is to put them in the courts and let due process be the method of puishment?

That's for parking tickets and petty theft.

Maybe your personal thoughts differ from those of your government, I dunno......



We here in the UK are not afforded the luxury of civil liberties under pinned by constitution' date=' if you can't get your head round that then you will never understand why Mr Average Smith next door isn't armed...[/quote']

Again, fundamental disagreement.

In your country, the Smiths aren't armed and I doubt the wisdom of that.

Why should they be the equivalent of livestock at the mercy of any predator?

There is still something of a democratic ability to change the laws you live under there, eh?




My opinion is based on my up bringing' date=' my experiences.. not what job I'm doing or what pony government is calling the shots...


What you do is your business. [/quote']

Thank you.

Not so different here, as I had first believed.

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Neoconman I love-ya Man, but who the hell would read such a long post.


I sure Didn't. I like a lot of photo's. Can't you post some photo's.


Why wont you post some photos for some of us that really can't read


something that long?

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flight959 wrote:

Up until my last post Neo, I never even made any remark or even any reference to guns,


I was talking about in THIS thread....


Do you really think my opinion is that different from yours? I think you would be surprised to find how much is the same. Agreed... the courts are a waste of time, it's the Criminal Justice System that let's people down everytime here. I'm sure many people would like to administer their own level of justice, but no matter how much we jump up and down or however many people protest, nothing is going to change except a sure cert that stress will see you in an early grave, so we just get on with it...


That's just the way its going to be.. regardless of what we like...



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Neoconman I love-ya Man' date=' but who the hell would read such a long post.


I sure Didn't. I like a lot of photo's. Can't you post some photo's.


Why wont you post some photos for some of us that really can't read


something that long?[/quote']





Man, I do love your avatar...but it does make surfing the forum at work a lot more difficult.

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Hey Neo, if you're ever in my neck of the woods, look me up. This kinda feels like I'm having beers sitting around a campfire on a fishing trip! Appreciate your honesty and committment to what you believe in. I may not agree with all of it, but I respect your point of view.

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Honestly, I think the terms "liberal" and "conservative" are horrible moving targets.


In a late 19th century sense, I think I'd be considered "Liberal," and nowadays most people figure I'm some sort of "conservative" for the identical sort of perspective. I'll freely admit to having a "rural" slant on a lotta stuff although that doesn't mean I've ignored the liberal arts.


As for the functional outlawry of firearms in the UK, well... you are British "subjects" and we are U.S. "citizens." At least for a while. Technically nobody "needs" a firearm but then, from one perspective, one need not stay alive, either. As a kid, I saw my uncles had shotguns loaded at both front and back doors of the farmhouse thanks to rabid skunks constantly causing problems for livestock. We were taught not to touch, and didn't. I never cared much for shotguns.


But again, these terms really are, to me, largely outmoded. Some "conservative" friends consider me very much out of touch on some issues and some "liberal" friends think I'm so out of touch "liberal" that they can't believe it. Even "neo-con" is pretty much a joke since it wasn't really created so much out of creating a political definition as a word to mean "nasty."


Mostly the very terms "liberal" and "conservative have been played with to the point there's little meaning that last more than a couple of years.


Democrat Harry Truman was far more conservative than Republican Teddy Roosevelt, for example. Both had a "liberal" side far more radical in ways than such "liberals" as Franklin D. or Bill Clinton.


So... Hmmmmm.


I will note that Truman played piano. Not quite the same as guitar, but what the heck.


Am I conservative as a guitar picker because I prefer hollow and semi-hollow six strings to odd shapes like the V? I think so, but... I dunno. I also love the SG shape for some pickin'. Hmmmmm.

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If you think we're reading all that on a Friday night' date=' you sir are nuttier than most people previously thought.



I read it all :-


And all I'd like to say, without taking political sides is this:

It's interesting that however off the wall Neo is (I mean that with love buddy)

He always states his argument and backs it with facts. And then the response from the opposition is mindless ranting or, in this case, some tasteful pictures of a bull defecating.


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I read it all :-


And all I'd like to say' date=' without taking [i']political[/i] sides is this:

It's interesting that however off the wall Neo is (I mean that with love buddy)

He always states his argument and backs it with facts. And then the response from the opposition is mindless ranting or, in this case, some tasteful pictures of a bull defecating.



You're coming along.


There is still hope for you.

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Neo, Neo, Neo. I don't think I could disagree with your views on many things more. I do like: guitars, gibsons chevys, jeeps, guns, wilderness, boots, flannel etc. I'm not exactly sure how much I buy global warming... I think we should try to do good things for the environment though. What can it hurt? I just don't believe in scaring people into doing it. I like small government (but functioning is good enough for me).


One other thing I'd like to say is: How many colored people have been killed or inhumanely treated because of their race? How many women have be unfairly treated or discriminated against because they are women? How many homosexual etc. people have been killed, inhumanely treated or discriminated against because of their sexuality? After thinking about that, how many men have been killed or inhumanely treated just because they were men? There is no real attack on white men.


I don't mind some things about you and I respect you as a person and musician but I cannot respect your views. You sure seem prejudiced and bigoted to me.



Ugh and I thought I wouldn't be doing any political banter!

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Neo' date=' Neo, Neo. I don't think I could disagree with your views on many things more. I do like: guitars, gibsons chevys, jeeps, guns, wilderness, boots, flannel etc. I'm not exactly sure how much I buy global warming... I think we should try to do good things for the environment though. What can it hurt? I just don't believe in scaring people into doing it. I like small government (but functioning is good enough for me).


One other thing I'd like to say is: How many colored people have been killed or inhumanely treated because of their race? How many women have be unfairly treated or discriminated against because they are women? How many homosexual etc. people have been killed, inhumanely treated or discriminated against because of their sexuality? After thinking about that, how many men have been killed or inhumanely treated just because they were men? There is no real attack on white men.


I don't mind some things about you and I respect you as a person and musician but I cannot respect your views. You sure seem prejudiced and bigoted to me.



Ugh and I thought I wouldn't be doing any political banter![/quote']


What an idiot.


Sorry Neo.


This guy is the "IDIOT OF THE MONTH"....


Maybe the "YEAR"....



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One other thing I'd like to say is: How many colored people have been killed or inhumanely treated because of their race? How many women have be unfairly treated or discriminated against because they are women? How many homosexual etc. people have been killed' date=' inhumanely treated or discriminated against because of their sexuality? After thinking about that, how many men have been killed or inhumanely treated just because they were men?[/quote']

What in the hell are you talking about?





There is no real attack on white men.

Explain the opening post at the top of this thread then.

You think I made ANY of that up?




I don't mind some things about you and I respect you as a person and musician but I cannot respect your views. You sure seem prejudiced and bigoted to me.

You seem like a moron to me.

What have you been reading?

Nothing in this post or any other I've ever made gives you the right, reason or rationale to accuse me of ANY of the stupid sh!t you just posted. I've never killed anybody, and I challenge you to explain your grave concern over "inhumane" treatment.

How old are you?

Are you in college?

Do you have a job?


Where did you form your "opinion" of me and what are the prime considerations involved?


This is EXACTLY the Alice In Wonderland idiocy I was talking about.

I've explained myself and my positions ad nauseum, I'm an open book - then here comes the Liberal bullsh!t again.

I suppose you feel the need to educate me too, eh?


How many presidential elections have you voted in?

Get mad if you want, but this answer will illustrate many things about you and I will form a judgment of you from it.

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I've come to a conclusion here: Neo and Murph are close-minded sons-of-*****es.


But I'm done here. I'm not gonna feed the wolves anymore.


#1. My mother is a lady. A$$hole. Wrong phrase.


#2. You are an idiot.


#3. I kill cats. Every time I see a cat, I kill it. I HATE cats.


#4. You are an idiot.





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I've typed volumes to explain my position, you fling a few half-witted insults then realize you're in over your head.

Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.

Put on your smug, superior face long enough to turn and run out the door.


When you get back to the safety of your like-minded soft-skulled buddies you'll tell them all how you won here, eh?


Careful being too open-minded - your brains will fall out....


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#1. My mother is a lady. A$$hole. Wrong phrase.


#2. You are an idiot.


#3. I kill cats. Every time I see a cat' date=' I kill it. I HATE cats.


#4. If you cant dance then you are no friend of mine.


Idiot, Idiot, Idiot, Idiot, Idiot look what i learned today Momma, i learned a new word good golly god i wonder what it means, i am keep saying it though because it gives me an orgasm.






That explains allot.

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I've typed volumes to explain my position' date=' you fling a few half-witted insults then realize you're in over your head.

Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.

Put on your smug, superior face long enough to turn and run out the door.


When you get back to the safety of your like-minded soft-skulled buddies you'll tell them all how you won here, eh?


Careful being too open-minded - your brains will fall out....



You should get your own satirical show.

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That explains allot.


It takes a very weak boy to change someones quote. That's a no-no here.


You are a very weak boy.


Sorry you've lost any class you never had.



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It takes a very weak boy to change someones quote. That's a no-no here.


You are a very weak boy.


Sorry you've lost any class you never had.




You sound like a Catholic Priest right now.


You lost any class you ever had with your Ad-Hominem rampage with the word "Idiot" whats next are gonna tell people that your father can beat their father up?

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But I'm done here. I'm not gonna feed the wolves anymore.

See ya.





I just don't feel like having a pointless argument with someone I don't even know very well on the internet.

Oh' date=' you're back!!!





It's not going to make a difference. I'll still have the same views. As will you two.

Ah, NOW you're finally learning.

Learning to QUIT because your stupid remarks fell flat and made you look foolish and impotent.





If I wanted a headache I'd hit my head against a concrete wall. At least then I'd have something to show for it.

Oh' date=' please do!





What religion are you Neo?

Whichever one scares you the most.

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You should get your own satirical show.


And you're the star.


Do a trick for us.

Say something intelligent.

Make farting noises with your armpit.


Anything's better than what you've shown us so far....

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And you're the star.


Do a trick for us.

Say something intelligent.

Make farting noises with your armpit.


Anything's better than what you've shown us so far....


No, No, No you should be the star your satire is amazing.


The way you actually convince people you are a Piece of **** Delusional Conservative is really quite amusing.

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