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Would you be in favor of never seeing another political thread in The Lounge?


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Looks like the guy who STARTED the thread has had a brain adjustment.

Now he wants to keep them going, ostensibly to teach the WHOLE WIDE WORLD a lesson and share his wisdom....



Actually' date=' after much reflection, I think we should keep it.[/quote']My, aren't we fickle?

Changed your mind so quickly, so easily, so randomly.....

My hunch was right.

You really can't grab your *** with both hands, let alone form an articulate thought, lucid opinion, or craft a conversation.


You'll stand up and shout your opinion at the top of your lungs for all to hear - like it's the Gospel or some profound truth.

Then you'll change your mind.....

Yeah, that builds credibility.



It keeps you off the streets. Let the game continue.
If you're assuming my daily activities are somehow dictated by this forum' date=' you would be incorrect.

Of course, that's consistent with every other assumption you've made about me.

It's amusing to note that you have absolutely no regard for the consequences of appearing foolish.



If I've ever said anything that was a personal attack on you' date=' I'm sorry about that.[/quote']Accepted.



Attack on your right-wing fanaticism? Well' date=' that's quite different, and let it be said that I'm never the one to draw first blood, Neo. YOU are the one that lobs the hand grenades. Own that. [/quote']

Attack on my right-wing fanaticism? Wow, your 'apology' was definitely short-lived, eh?

Explain my 'fanaticism' and your source for citing it.

Once and for all, TELL ME where I'm such a fanatic and reveal your errors in judgment.


Well, it's quite different when I've been actively opposing Liberalism for 25 years and trying to keep the subversive idiocy out of the schools my children attend and out of the public domain.

You hear some lame-brain sh!t from a college professor and the Jon Stewart show and now you're suddenly an expert?


Let it be said that you were indeed the one to draw first blood, K.

I NEVER went to a thread you were in, never challenged you, never had any sort of interaction with you until YOU started pissing in MY ear in a thread and were relentless in your efforts.

YOU sought me out, YOU started typing incendiary Liberal sh!t, YOU started calling me an extremist and accusing me of all sorts of sh!t with absolutely no basis in reality.


You NEVER actually asked me my opinion or position on anything, you made a few assumptions based on my signature line and avatar and started the assault. You seem to think that you can continue to fxck with me in a public forum and somehow I'll change my mind about everything that defines me (of which you truly have no idea) and declare your efforts worthy and fruitful.

Fxxx you now, fxxx you then, and fxxx you tomorrow.


Own that.

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Thanks Rich!


What is the prevailing wind over there?

Guitarists - like any musician - tend to fancy themselves as 'arteests' and lean predominantly Left.

I suppose my views would meet with some' date=' um, interest?



If I have time I might stop by....





The issue with many political threads is they soon launch from the topic at hand into personal and idealogical assaults.

This one is no different.


Where in this thread are POLITICS evident?

They aren't.


Lucky for me I'm a man of many talents.

I can play most any game that shows up here.


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Thanks Rich!


What is the prevailing wind over there?

Guitarists - like any musician - tend to fancy themselves as 'arteests' and lean predominantly Left.

I suppose my views would meet with some' date=' um, interest?



If I have time I might stop by....[/quote']


Extremists, crackpots and people who just love to argue on both sides of the fence. alt.guitar.amps has more political stuff than alt.guitars.

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No Censorship, of subject matter. People that get rude and offensive should have their thread or contributions

deleted, possibly...but, it's really better not to respond to those folks, in the first place...IMHO. More self-regulating,

that way. But, if we're not up to that task, I'm sure the Moderators will be, based on past experience.




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