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Any lifters here?


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What is it?

I've been involved in training high school football players and at one time was so committed to lifting that I weighed 240 lbs with a 35 inch waist.

But that was 1990. Back them it was hardcore lifting every day. I could military press 225 with out a problem, benched over 300 and did some hellacious squats and leg presses.

Now I just lift to show the kids proper technique. Power lifts mostly like power cleans, squats, and bench press.

My son, who's nine, wants to start lifting and I'll be showing him the way.

What do you need to know?

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Wow You must not know much.... Weight really doesn't matter' date=' some people have smaller builds/ weigh 150, but can lift alot.[/quote']

Don't argue with him, he has the mentality of a 9 year old.

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Do not leave' date=' Rock4 just like to always start an argument for no reason.


I think he is a result of a Depressed mother and a Alcoholic father that was never there for him.[/quote']

You're wrong, but nice try, ********

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There is no correct answer for that question but the question is what are you trying to accomplish? You want to get big? More weight is definitly needed. Trying to get strong? Keep doing what you're doing.

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