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Legalize Marijuana.

Steven Tari

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Well I can't say that. In the early days in the yard everyone either smoked or Drank. We had the best record for Rebuilding ships on the East Coast. We had the lowest Accident rate. And we worked 12 to 16 hour days 7 days a week. You may be talken about the people who don't want to work in the first place. And I'll agree whole heart on that point.

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Why should they? Why don't you also ask for cocain legalization?


Next thing we will read will be someone wanting terrorists to be "treated with respect"


your kidding, right?

have you ever done either, or both?

coke=cracked out life ruiner

weed=nerve calmer


we'd be out of this damned recession if it were legal and taxed,

btw, do you like alcohol?

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No' date=' I haven't.


You know what... they should also render tobacco ilegal.[/quote']


Well here in Virginia there paying the Tobacco farmers to leave there fields go to stop the production of tobacco. Ther starting to grow soybeans and cotton in its place. Thats why the prices are going thru the roof. I used to love to go thru South Hill Virginia during harvest time. All the warehouses would be loaded with tobacco. You could smell it coming into town and the whole time you were there.

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The thing with tobacco and drugs and alcohol is most users are not nearly enough responsible to be using them.


Tobacco doesn't only kill you, it kills everyone around you. So you are not only damaging yourself and the world, you are killing fellow human beings.


You want to kill yourself? Shoot your brains off. You wanna do it slowly? stick a knife in your stomach.



People under the influence of drugs or alcohol do some ****ed up stuff and then think it's ok because they were under the influence and now they are not (til next friday that is)

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sure, in some cases people do unforgiveable 5hit while intoxicated, but go smoke some weed and tell me if you feel like ******* someone over

as to your stance on tobacco, i'm not even gonna argue with you (not worth my time)


and i used to be an alcoholic (handle of whiskey a day) and i agree that booze is the devil


edit- and anyone who ****s up and the next day says "its fine, i was intoxicated" i can't stand and they should be castrated/sterilized

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I used to smoke 3 packs a day, now I have lung cancer and one of my sons that never smoked has a pulmonary problem due to second hand smoke. You cannot say it's my fault but he's spend most of his life around smokers (at work and at home)

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I used to smoke 3 packs a day' date=' now I have lung cancer and one of my sons that never smoked has a pulmonary problem due to second hand smoke. You cannot say it's my fault but he's spend most of his life around smokers (at work and at home)[/quote']


i'm sincerely sorry to hear that, and i wanna quit, but can't



i don't like you so piss off

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I've smoked enough pot to fill up a dumptruck. Microdot, barrel, windowpane, whites, reds, ludes. Done it all.


I've been clean for ten years this summer. Except beer.


Quit smoking cigarettes Jan. 1, '08.


Potheads sit around and start sh!t in guitar forums. They have no life. It's all they do.


They'll flock in here soon to argue this fact.


He, heee......



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I've smoked enough pot to fill up a dumptruck. Microdot' date=' barrel, windowpane, whites, reds, ludes. Done it all.


I've been clean for ten years this summer. Except beer.


Quit smoking cigarettes Jan. 1, '08.


Potheads sit around and start sh!t in guitar forums. They have no life. It's all they do.


They'll flock in here soon to argue this fact.


He, heee......




nah, potheads just sit around, and this Giant character got uppity with me

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It may surprise some of you to know, but I've only smoked pot a handful of times in my whole life. I am still for legalization. I've been around a lot of high people and I've never seen any of them try to hurt anyone while high. Let em have there fun. And tax the sh1t out of it.

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The thing with tobacco and drugs and alcohol is most users are not nearly enough responsible to be using them.


Most? Cite please? What is the criteria for "enough responsible"? And by whom was it established. And what is a responsible way to use tobacco? Most people who use alcohol are irresponsible? I'd be impressed to see the statistical support of this statement.


Tobacco doesn't only kill you' date=' it kills everyone around you. So you are not only damaging yourself and the world, you are killing fellow human beings.[/quote']


Couldn't agree more.


You want to kill yourself? Shoot your brains off. You wanna do it slowly? stick a knife in your stomach.


OK, it's clear you don't have a very complete understanding of why people use alcohol or pot. And it's really no business of yours or mine what another adult does in private for his or her own pleasure or entertainment or relaxation. But pleasure and suicide aren't that closely related unless you're really twisted.


People under the influence of drugs or alcohol do some ****ed up stuff and then think it's ok because they were under the influence and now they are not (til next friday that is)



All of them?! I'm quite astonished. I see stoners and juicers all the time and very few of them fit your stereotype. But that's not important to you; is it?


And people who don't understand anything about responsible use of recreational drugs/alcohol make broad, sweeping generalizations that don't really apply to "most" users.

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I used to smoke 3 packs a day' date=' now I have lung cancer and one of my sons that never smoked has a pulmonary problem due to second hand smoke. You cannot say it's my fault but he's spend most of his life around smokers (at work and at home)[/quote']

:P =P~:^o

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