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Why the Firestorm Against Carrie Prejean


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I hate this b!tch.


Heres why:


-I hate beauty pageant contestants. All they care about is attention.


-Lying like she did while being somewhat in the public eye is real stupid. Especially if your a pageant contestant because nude pics are REAL easy to find. And awesome.


-I hate the way she said she was opposed to gay marriage. She had a stupid grin on her face as if she were better than gay people. Nothing gets me angrier than that specific look. The "I'm so superior" look.




In terms of the gay marriage thing I don't think its up to straight people. None of our business. The protestant religion was started because one of the kings of england wanted to marry a second time. If its really that hard for some people to accept gay marriage perhaps the homosexual community should start their own religion or branch with its own marriage laws that the States would have to honor.


Hopefully someone has done that by now because its not fair for predominantly straight people to be deciding what homosexuals can or cannot do. Is it fair when men make choices that only really affect women? What about when white people made choices that only really affected black people or native americans?

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Do I really need to?


Can't we just pretend I did and save me from writing 3 paragraphs of how she lied' date=' and signed documentation stating she hadn't taken naughty pics. You know, all the while holding her self as being on the moral high ground.


As for her views on gay marriage. Who cares what she thinks. That doesn't change her lies and deception. [/quote']


She had no idea that the one photograph that is legitimate, would ever be published. It was "a wardrobe malfunction."#-o

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I hate this b!tch.


Heres why:


-I hate beauty pageant contestants. All they care about is attention.


-Lying like she did while being somewhat in the public eye is real stupid. Especially if your a pageant contestant because nude pics are REAL easy to find. And awesome.


-I hate the way she said she was opposed to gay marriage. She had a stupid grin on her face as if she were better than gay people. Nothing gets me angrier than that specific look. The "I'm so superior" look.




In terms of the gay marriage thing I don't think its up to straight people. None of our business. The protestant religion was started because one of the kings of england wanted to marry a second time. If its really that hard for some people to accept gay marriage perhaps the homosexual community should start their own religion or branch with its own marriage laws that the States would have to honor.


Hopefully someone has done that by now because its not fair for predominantly straight people to be deciding what homosexuals can or cannot do. Is it fair when men make choices that only really affect women? What about when white people made choices that only really affected black people or native americans?




Protestantism is not a religion. and the reformation didnt happen because of Henry VIII. the formation of the Anglican Church was due to his marriage issues, but not Protestantism. i used to be ok with gay marriage, but now that i am married and a little older, i'm not so sure. i think it just depends on the day. the problem is that science has not 100% proved that homosexuality is genetic/congenital, etc. and therefore, if its a choice, then it can be right or wrong depending on one's perspective.

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She had no idea that the one photograph that is legitimate' date=' would ever be published. It was "a wardrobe malfunction."#-o [/quote']


First she said there was one pic. Then a second one surfaced. Then she said that was all there was and then another set from a different photographer surfaced. As for wardrobe malfunction. What you said isn't true according to the photographer. As she said the wind was blowing. As the photographer said the wind wasn't blowing her hair yet she claims it some how unbuttoned her blouse.


She's a liar. Can't you guys find a few hero's that don't have a chain of lies following them?

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and as for the beauty contest, i think we can all admit it was a loaded question.


but i personally think beauty contests are archaic and inherently sexist. but like other things feminists protest, these women obviously dont mind partaking, so whatever.

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Puuuuuuuuuuuulease! Did you actually think about that while you were typing.


Being a christian is not about being good' date=' it's an insurance policy, so that you can screw up all you want and still get into "heaven".


Get real kid. They're filling your head with bunk. Don't swallow what they're shoving down your throat.[/quote']




"Being a christian is not about being good, it's an insurance policy, so that you can screw up all you want and still get into "heaven". "


Dont be ignorant.

Nobodies perfect, I don't try to sin. it happens, and like any "wise" man on this earth I see what I have done and correct it. So it doesnt happen again. Regardless of a belief in god


Sin messes up life, When I live a sin free life style my life is so much easier compared to when I do sin.


Now granted there are some bad apples who abuse this.

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First she said there was one pic. Then a second one surfaced. Then she said that was all there was and then another set from a different photographer surfaced. As for wardrobe malfunction. What you said isn't true according to the photographer. As she said the wind was blowing. As the photographer said the wind wasn't blowing her hair yet she claims it some how unbuttoned her blouse.


She's a liar. Can't you guys find a few hero's that don't have a chain of lies following them?


just a question homz...are you a fan of bill clinton?


the reason i ask is because i think things get blown out of proportion. and people lie/bend the truth in order to avoid consequences. its just human nature IMO. i dont think she's that bad of a person. i just think she's kinda dumb for letting some dude take nudie pics. but lots of normal people do this. and some even get their careers launched due to it.

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just a question homz...are you a fan of bill clinton?


the reason i ask is because i think things get blown out of proportion. and people lie/bend the truth in order to avoid consequences. its just human nature IMO. i dont think she's that bad of a person. i just think she's kinda dumb for letting some dude take nudie pics. but lots of normal people do this. and some even get their careers launched due to it.


I think Bill Clinton made two really big mistakes. First NAFTA, even though it was a republican sponsored bill that had already been signed by Bush. I think Clinton could have made a stance. He did nothing. His second mistake was signing into law the off shore tax shelters that the rich have been sinking the majority into to avoid paying taxes.


I will also admit Clinton made a mistake with his testimony to the grand jury. Although I don't think the investigation was anything but a witch hunt that didn't give him the right to lie to the grand jury. For that he was impeached without Senate confirmation. AS for getting blown in the White House. Damn if I was president there would be a ticked machine outside the Oval Office. The ladies could line up take a number and blow the president. What good is it to be the president if you can't have many crazy sexual encounter with many loose women.


Do I like him. Other then the above items I'd say mostly.

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Yup, the protestant reformation was well before Henry VIII. In fact, he received the title "Defender of the Faith" from a sitting pope prior to his difficulties in getting a healthy male offspring for what may be a number of reasons.


Views in terms of what may be roughly referred to as "Christian" are far from monolithic. One also can make the case that any widespread religious tradition has had wide variations of practice and belief. Buddhism, Judaism and Islam are examples of the breadth of structure and belief that technically are based on the same "scriptures."


It's kinda like, "What's Blues?" St. Louis Blues surely ain't the 12-bar structure and talk about "modes" and scales shows there's as much intellectual dispute over "blues" as emotional difference - just as in "religion."


As for "who cares what a beauty pageant contestant thinks," I'd expand that to "who cares what any celeb thinks." A fellow journalist and I were talking about the current apparent exultation of "feelings" in even "hard news" stories over "hard facts." Hmmmmm. It seems there is a link.


By traditional criteria of logic, one can make the case that "same sex marriage" is an "ontological impossibility."


That is, one can call something by a name used for something else, but it remains what it is regardless.


Note that even in "ancient" Greece homosexuality was as accepted as using ships rather than rocks to float goods from point A to point B. They still didn't consider such long-term relationships "marriage" even though there are more than a few examples of such relationships preserved in literature from the era.


But then, I personally don't much care who does what with whom as long as they're consenting adults.


I am definitely "conservative" in usage of the language. It affects law in far more ways than may seem obvious when one is convinced one is correct in one's desired legislation. Does a law change the meaning of a word used in hundreds of cultures for thousands of years? I don't think so.


Consider the potential of "unintended consequences." I've personally seen it happen far too often in legislation, including one I testified for in legislative committee and later wished I'd done otherwise since it brought 30 years of legal difficulties in my state.


BTW, in at least some Siouxan cultures there were "marriages" of people with similar anatomical features, but essentially only when one of the contracted pair assumed the role and appearance of the opposite sex - and may be considered "transgender" in current terms as opposed to simply "gay."


Humans are interesting.

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She's Kristen Dalton. The girl from North Carolina that Holds the Title of Miss USA 2009.


She Won, they didn't award her the Tiara to punish Miss California, She Won The Miss USA Pageant and is overshadowed by the second place winner.

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