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I'm Thinking About Becoming A Liberal.


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Homz' date=' you're a PU55Y.

You'll take a stand - until it's [i']time[/i] to take a stand, then you fold like a cheap lawn chair.


You're nothing short of a schizophrenic epileptic with your positions, you'll never commit to anything, you want to be able to stand anywhere it's politically expedient - or cool.


Grow some fxcking balls.

What do you believe?

Where do you stand?

What would you fight for?

What party represents your values?


I take stands all the time. I simply wont tell you who I voted for. I even said for the sake of argument the person was Obama. So when did he question your morals. Your the one who said it. So back it up tiny sack.

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I take stands all the time. I simply wont tell you who I voted for. I even said for the sake of argument the person was Obama. So when did he question your morals. Your the one who said it. So back it up tiny sack.



This thread just got epic! :D Homz is talking about Neo's sack, next Homz will be calling people Nazis.


Yeah Homz!:D =D> =D>

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I'm switching sides for sure now Comrade. If everybody on your side has mastered the English language as well as you have' date=' I'll be running things inside 2 months.[/quote']


I already fixed the misspelling, but I'm surprised you didn't take great pride in pointing it out. Hey I suppose you should be a democrat. Most of them are no good dirty bastards too.


Here's my opinion (for what it's worth)


80% of democrats are POS's.

100% of republicans are POS's.


I am playing the odds for a better America.

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This thread just got epic! :D Homz is talking about Neo's sack' date=' next Homz will be calling people Nazis.


Yeah Homz!:D =D> =D> [/quote']


You are irrelevant. Neo at the very least isn't always a POS.

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I take stands all the time.

Um' date=' no....

You talk sh!t all the time.

If you've ever taken a legitimate position on ANYTHING in this forum, I missed it.





I simply wont tell you who I voted for.

What are you so afraid of?

Don't tell me the bullsh!t about the vote being sacred - nothing is sacred to you.





Your the one who said it.

Said what?

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I already fixed the misspelling' date=' but I'm surprised you didn't take great pride in pointing it out. Hey I suppose you should be a democrat. Most of them are no good dirty bastards too.


Here's my opinion (for what it's worth)


80% of democrats are POS's.

100% of republicans are POS's.


I am playing the odds for a better America.





I want to be on whatever side you are on Comrade. You've convinced me that you are right, with your eloquence, debating skills and amazing use of facts and logic...

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I want to be on whatever side you are on Comrade. You've convinced me that you are right' date=' with your eloquence, debating skills and amazing use of facts and logic...[/quote']


The difference is I actually use my own brain. For better or worse. You only copy/paste the ideas of others. Most of which come from dubious sources, full of half truths. Than you expect others to take your seriously. If my points are idiotic then at the very least they're mine. Good and bad.


BTW other then history what was the other half of your double major.

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The difference is I actually use my own brain. For better or worse. You only copy/paste the ideas of others. Most of which come from dubious sources' date=' full of half truths. Than you expect others to take your seriously. If my points are idiotic then at the very least they're mine. Good and bad.


BTW other then history what was the other half of your double major. [/quote']


Not trying to insult you or even come in the conversation but you do know you should reverse the way you use "Then" and "Than.




"Then you expect"


"My Beep is bigger than yours"

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The difference is I actually use my own brain. For better or worse. You only copy/paste the ideas of others. Most of which come from dubious sources' date=' full of half truths. Than you expect others to take your seriously. If my points are idiotic then at the very least they're mine. Good and bad.


BTW other then history what was the other half of your double major. [/quote']



Masterful!:D :D


When's the next meeting?

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You said that they question your morals. I am asking when Obama questioned your morals as you have said.

I'm asking you when I ever said such a thing.


Question MY morals? I never cared if he did or didn't - never even gave it a thought because HE HAS NONE.


I'm not gonna sit and wait to see what he does, playing defense when my number is finally called.

I'm playing offense and taking every word he says for face value.


It's not my morals the guy is after, it's the very soul of the country.


In your state, at Notre Dame, he once again hiked his leg and pissed all over everybody there and you treat him like a cute puppy who had a housebreaking mishap.

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If my points are idiotic then at the very least they're mine. Good and bad.

And we can see how proud you are of that....



Homz, I really don't think you're stupid.

Other words come to mind - and I share them with you often.



Please consider this;

In any serious discussion of morals, values, ethics, convictions, ideology, responsibility, accountability, your contributions are often something along the lines of a proud Kindergartener with his first watercolor.

Presented honestly and proudly, it is expected to be placed in a spot of honor on your fridge cuz ya just can't say no....


As far as the true value and worth of the contribution, well, if you can't say anything nice....

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I said:


I don't advocate murder or abortion either for that matter. I said that. Read my posts. BTW I've never murdered anyone.


As for my morals, you can claim what ever makes you feel like your the top dog. I don't really care. My morals are just fine.


Interesting to me is that I never question your morals, just your logic and intelligence.



You vote for people who do.


So you did imply that I voted for people who question your morals. Did I miss your point?

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Yeah, that's right KSG.

Now, I don't know exactly which party Homz belongs to because he's a PU55Y and won't commit to one but he is definitely NOT a Republican and every other political party supports abortion on demand - or if you're in the mood.




So you did imply that I voted for people who question your morals.

In your little onboard dictionary' date=' does "imply" and "said" mean the same thing?





Did I miss your point?


I never said anything of the sort and you never told me who you voted for.


So, let me get this straight;

You said that I said that you said that Obama questioned my morals when I didn't say that and you said you did not vote for Obama anyway so the point is moot because you never said who you voted for to begin with and then said I said something I never said and then you said I implied something instead of saying it but you're mixing your vocabulary words again because 'implying' something is not the same thing as 'saying' something.


I think that's right, but you may wanna read it carefully.

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And we can see how proud you are of that....



Homz' date=' I really don't think you're stupid.

Other words come to mind - and I share them with you often.



Please consider this;

In any serious discussion of morals, values, ethics, convictions, ideology, responsibility, accountability, your contributions are often something along the lines of a proud Kindergartener with his first watercolor.

Presented honestly and proudly, it is expected to be placed in a spot of honor on your fridge cuz ya just can't say no....


As far as the true value and worth of the contribution, well, if you can't say anything nice....




I have a wife whom I've never screwed around on and I love. I have two children that I love and dote over constantly. My kids are honor roll students and the young one is an awesome musician and becoming quite the little teachers helper in Tai Kwon Do.


My convictions are all related to making the world and my country a better place for those mentioned above and for the populous at large.


My ideology is soundly based on logic and facts.


I am responsible parent who takes care of his family and anyone else who might need a hand; Family, friends, and occasionally strangers.


As for accountability I am a tax payer. I am relied on to repair and install equipment that costs more then most of us will make in a life time.


I contribute to two orphanages in Viet Nam and give heavily to the Red Cross and the Salvation Army and even a church my wife is rather fond of in Kentucky.


As for vindication, I need none from you or anyone else. I am what I claim.

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Yeah' date=' that's right KSG.

Now, I don't know exactly which party Homz belongs to because he's a PU55Y and won't commit to one but he is definitely NOT a Republican and every other political party supports abortion on demand - or if you're in the mood.






I never said anything of the sort and you never told me who you voted for.


So, let me get this straight;

You said that I said that you said that Obama questioned my morals when I didn't say that and you said you did not vote for Obama anyway so the point is moot because you never said who you voted for to begin with and then said I said something I never said and then you said I implied something instead of saying it but you're mixing your vocabulary words again because 'implying' something is not the same thing as 'saying' something.


I think that's right, but you may wanna read it carefully.



I posted it man. You said what you said. I ask you again when did Obama question your morals. Hey man, if you don't have the balls to answer the question then just say so. I wont hold it against your character or morals. I don't question your morals. I'm not a low life POS who would do so without even knowing someone.

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I posted it man.
Good for you!!

Posted what?

You post all kinds of stupid sh!t.

You have sharpened my typing skills dramatically by forcing me to try and keep up....



You said what you said.
What did I say?



I ask you again when did Obama question your morals.
I don't know.

I don't care.

The answer will remain the same' date=' no matter how many times you repeat the same stupid sh!t.



Hey man' date=' if you don't have the balls to answer the question then just say so.[/quote']That's me - scared of a loud-mouth Liberal bozo.

Homz, your Battleship Mouth does not disguise your Rowboat ***.



I wont hold it against your character or morals.
Suddenly you're an expert?

Sorry' date=' I'm gonna have to read 5 months of logic, reason and clarity in your every post to [i']even start[/i] to counterbalance the 5 months of idiotic posts you've made on every conceivable subject.

Suddenly you've turned over a new leaf and gotten serious?

Great, keep it up for another 5 months and we'll talk....




I don't question your morals.
I'm not worried if you do. They aren't for sale and don't need modification.

Approval is not something I seek' date=' I'm one of those smug *** holes who does just fine on my own.

Still, thanks for caring.




I'm not a low life POS who would do so without even knowing someone.
Yes, you are.

5 months of posts in the archive here to prove it.

Unless you were just kidding all that time....

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Had fun Neo.


Peace out.


Day shift this week. got to go. Later.


BTW I wasn't kidding about it when I said you were funny and I don't hate you. Your little lap dog KSG, now that's another story. Why don't you b1tch slap that punk off your lap and tell him to find his own hitching post.


Your welcome to jam with us any time. I promise to be good and only call you a **** a couple of times.

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Your welcome to jam with us any time. I promise to be good and only call you a **** a couple of times.

That's cool....



Oh, I've been called that by my boss and my wife.

Maybe there's something to it.



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Be a liberal. Do whatever you want' date=' then go find a book that justifies your actions[/quote']




be a conservative, mount your moral high horse and justify it on a 2000 year old fairy tale.


anyone can play your game. you're a hack. if you're going to gives homz crap, do a better job.

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Well murph' date=' if you are THINKING of becoming a liberal it will never work. Libs do not/can not think. They just feel. You are out of luck.[/quote']


You know I'm gonna be kicking your *** for this, doncha? LOL


If you weren't so damn fun to hang out with I'd have kicked your *** out months ago!!! :-)

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C'mon out the the Arizona desert and the NeoCon Compound!


I have a couch King Matthew can crash on for a couple nights - until he gets a job!



Mrs. Neo is a most gracious host, excellent cook, and exemplary housekeeper - just don't do anything stupid....



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C'mon out the the Arizona desert and the NeoCon Compound!


I have a couch King Matthew can crash on for a couple nights - until he gets a job!



Mrs. Neo is a most gracious host' date=' excellent cook, and exemplary housekeeper - just don't do anything stupid....






Can I come over. Wicked1's not acquainted with that area of our house where the kitchen is. I drew a map for her, but she thinks it's just the room where she can find cold Mountain Dew.

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