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Neo & Homz & Area 51


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The Mods on Gibson i hear from the MyLesPaul forums are a bunch of dimwitted pricks that get orgasms from banning people.


One more reason I won't reutrn to the MyLesPaul forum ever.


I don't think anyone will agree with that statement man, the guys at MLP are crazy and on drugs to say such a thing.

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There is a big difference between Homz and some others. He may ruffle some feathers and bait people into debates' date=' but he has rarely insulted members outside the circle jerks.[/quote']


Yep! And I don't know if he's been banned or not----obviously, it is not a fulll IP ban because I am still here.


Still, I read through the "forum rules" earlier and there is *nothing* that he's done that violates those rules. He might make people mad, but he hasn't violated the TOS. There's no "constitutional right" to not be offended.


At a certain point, you have to consider that Gibson guitar owners know what they need to know about their guitars. Then, maybe--just maybe--they have questions about how they sound or what others think or maybe just general questions about how other guitarists believe. Homz & NeoCon are *not* the only people to start "off-topic* threads. We're *all* guilty. Even if your thread was just about pictures of our pets, it wasn't about guitars.


Perhaps there is a *better* place for such topics. But if you are going to continue to allow topics like "What should I get my husband for father's day?" or "Who likes the Yardbirds?" then you're also going to get topics like "Nuclear Prolifirations" or "Waterboarding." It's a recognition of the fact that we are more than the sum of our guitars. If people didn't *want* to get into the discussion, then it wouldn't go on for 3 or 4 pages. It would have a few responses and no more.


There isn't a whole lot of work involved in just clicking on the next topic.

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Ill miss him...but...well...the forum is truly falling apart.


I dont think its falling apart. I think its just a little off track. Some of the guys have said that theres only so much you can say about Gibson or any guitar for that matter....therefore they post about other things.

Well why do they feel compelled to post anything at all?....dont post for the sake of posting.


Thats why people blog, or Twitter, or have a Facebook account. The Gibson forum was not meant for or

designed for that type of correspondence.

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Homz email:

I am banned. the message reads;Your account has been temporarily suspended. This suspension is due to end on Wednesday' date=' December 30, 2009 3:49:46 PM.[/i']

Damn! Welcome to the club Homz!

As many times as I've been banned from so many forums, I consider it a calculated risk of the hobby.

Hope my 30 day ban is up soon.....





Some of you might be pleased with this' date=' but consider the next time you have an unpopular thought and fear sharing it. [/i']

Next time you fear sharing a thought, listen to that little voice in your head - it may be right.

Of course this all depends on exactly how many voices you have in your head, I can imagine the confusion....





It's one thing to violate the rules.

It's quite another to be blamed for the hateful natures of other's posts who can't control their emotions.

Pot meets kettle' date=' color agreed upon - black it is.



Oh, and my ban from MLP will probably last beyond MY lifetime.

After dealing with those moron Mods I [i']earned it when I left.....


Fxxx 'em.



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I thought you were banned.

I have no idea why. I haven't been here much over the last week.





Perhaps you can tell me specifically what homz got banned for.

I have no idea why. I haven't been here much over the last week.



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Come back soon Neo!

Thanks Buddy!


As soon as my ban is up!!!!



Miss a day and you miss a lot!



So, why was it decided that I had been banned?

I mean, aside from that facetious thread full of wishful thinking and bandwidth lust.....

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Neoconman can I assume you too find this banning a blatant abuse of authority?

I find nothing.


I knew nothing of this until 15 minutes ago - and figured it was just another bunch of forum cloak & dagger bullsh!t.

If Homz is indeed banned' date=' I have no idea why and I would guess the offending posts have been removed.


Can't view the evidence?

Can't make a judgment.


Somebody is tasked with (and paid for) managing this forum, it's their call.


I've been banned on [i']this very forum[/i] three times if memory serves, once for a four month duration.

Not a bad record considering I've been on here three years, eh?


I've earned lifetime bans in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..... 6 forums that I can think of off the top of my head.

It ain't my show, and I didn't lose much sleep over it.


A couple of the bans I invited - I put up with enough stupid sh!t from moderators that acted like 12 year olds so I went in with guns blazing. By the time they finally realized I wasn't backing off I had virtually destroyed several of them.

They were probably deleting threads for HOURS to make sure they got everything.

Hey, I don't fxxx around.....




I was NEVER banned without an email offering at least a vague explanation, so check your email.

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I find nothing.


I knew nothing of this until 15 minutes ago - and figured it was just another bunch of forum cloak & dagger bullsh!t.

If Homz is indeed banned' date=' I have no idea why and I would guess the offending posts have been removed.


Can't view the evidence?

Can't make a judgment.


Somebody is tasked with (and paid for) managing this forum, it's their call.


I've been banned on [i']this very forum[/i] three times if memory serves, once for a four month duration.

Not a bad record considering I've been on here three years, eh?


I've earned lifetime bans in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..... 6 forums that I can think of off the top of my head.

It ain't my show, and I didn't lose much sleep over it.


A couple of the bans I invited - I put up with enough stupid sh!t from moderators that acted like 12 year olds so I went in with guns blazing. By the time they finally realized I wasn't backing off I had virtually destroyed several of them.

They were probably deleting threads for HOURS to make sure they got everything.

Hey, I don't fxxx around.....




I was NEVER banned without an email offering at least a vague explanation, so check your email.



I am surprised at your response. So let me simply ask if you, KSG, and Murph were the three who voiced a complaint?

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I am surprised at your response.


No bullsh!t there.




So let me simply ask if you' date=' KSG' date=' and Murph were the three who voiced a complaint? [/quote'']

I have no idea.

My response above stands, this is the first I've heard of it and I'm a little perturbed that this is such a huge issue for Homz.

Fer Chrissake, it's a damned guitar forum!!!!

It's NOT the end of the world!


I've often speculated the two of you have no life and are chained to the floor in your house within reach of a computer.

Is this REALLY the only connection the two of you have to the outside world and you have to take turns in shifts to make sure you never miss anything? Not kicking Homz when he's down, that's him beating his head on the floor....


If he's banned, he's banned.

Not like he never stirred up enough sh!t to warrant it - and this is coming from ME!

I know a thing or two about being banned after all...

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I have no idea.

My response above stands' date=' this is the first I've heard of it and I'm a little perturbed that this is such a huge issue for Homz.

Fer Chrissake, it's a damned guitar forum!!!!

It's NOT the end of the world!


If he's banned, he's banned.

Not like he never stirred up enough sh!t to warrant it - and this is coming from ME!

I know a thing or two about being banned after all...




He does stir the pot, but as for rules violations, the specifics are at question. He's quite a good dancer.

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My suggestion;

Tell Homz to STFU and avoid getting YOU banned as well.


Behave, and in a few short weeks - Voila! - his account will be active again.


Pissing, moaning, b!tching and griping by proxy does nothing to help his cause.


Suck it up, and find another forum to piss people off in meanwhile - that's what I did.....


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I am surprised at your response. So let me simply ask if you' date=' KSG, and Murph were the three who voiced a complaint? [/quote']


What's wrong with you homz/wicked? I did not have anything to do with any ban. I have never asked for anybody to be banned or punished in any way. So, please leave me out of your strange little stage drama. Okay?

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