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Epiphone forum won't even light up yet.


Steinberger is still dead too.


Guess maybe I should go to bed.


Things may look brighter in the a.m.


I bought my SIL's Squire Strat today. That might have upset The Force.


If it is my fault I am truly sorry.. [-(



Jeeze I really don't feel like re-creating that colonoscopy thread. :-s

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Thanks for having it up and running as fast as you did Shadow... and don't worry about the posts from June the 15th to the present day, they were all about the same and the most important have probably been posted a couple of times more in the past, so new users will just have touse the search function.

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We had serveral critical hardware failures today' date=' we have worked hard to get back all the data that we could.


Thank you for your understanding.



Thanks for getting things back up and running.. I've worked in IP for more than 35 years, I can well imagine the "oh sh1t" expression on your face when things went "south"... For the last 25+ years I've worked primarily on Tandem systems (among quite a few others).. They're usually a little more expensive than standard servers (sun, hp, wintel,windows,etc) but they for all intents and purposes live up to their advertisments (Tandem Non-Stop).. Note: This was not a "sales pitch" and I can imagine you're going to be busy putting "band aids" on things for quite a while, but Tandem's stuff makes for very interesting reading..

Thanks again for the a hard work..


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I really wish that was all that was lost for us. Considering I have been going through the wreakage for 12 hours now. It is not pretty.


Hardware of Software? Hacked?


You want we should take care of the perpetator boss? You know what I'm sayin'? :-$

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Cloud Computing

Users need not have knowledge of, expertise in, or control over

the technology infrastructure in the "cloud" that supports them.

[Krissi Danielson - Distinguishing Cloud Computing from Utility Computing - Mar 2008]


Or as we say - building your house on foundations of sand.....


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Back in '99 I went to pay my monthly internet bill and griped that I couldn't connect for a long time the night before. A couple of the guys behind the counter acknowledged that fact and started rambling on about some kind of cloud problem. I just backed away slowly, wondering when they were going to start talking about unicorns eating the server.


I'm iggernet about such things I know, and I freely admit it.

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