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What if Hendrix were still alive?


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By the way Jeff Beck... What a player!!!!!

Jeff Beck is awesome...


Changed a lot from wired to the current stuff which is more high gain and still rocks


He kicks A$$


Riverside: Tal Wilkenfeild is a cool story.


Dropped out of high school and moved to New York...


Now look where she went...


I'm not droppin out tho

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Jeff Beck is awesome...


Changed a lot from wired to the current stuff which is more high gain and still rocks


He kicks A$$


Riverside: Tal Wilkenfeild is a cool story.


Dropped out of high school and moved to New York...


Now look where she went...


I'm not droppin out tho



unless you're as good looking and talented as Tal, i wouldn't recommend it.

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I think alot of you guys may be too young remember, but Hendrix (and I LOVE Jimi) had already reached his peak a yr. or so before he died. Maybe it was the drugs, maybe the pressure, but he was starting to suck a little before the end. Would he have gotten it togather and became great again? We'll never know. What I do know is, that these days any little dip **** with his hat on sideways can shreed meaninglessly a million miles/hr. and who give a crap. Then they come out of moms basement and harsh on truely great guitarists, like Clapton, who they will never( in their mediocre wanna be dreams) be.

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