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I will always be a Gibson guy...


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but since I am 100% faithful to my wife, I'm considering doing a little cheating on my guitar brand. Gibson must know how much I love her and that I will always come back to her. I just need a little variety.


I am considering picking up a Martin D-28GE (Golden Era) or a Collings D2H AAA Brazilian and red spruce. (Happy birthday to ME!) They are nowhere near me so I can't test drive. The price is roughly the same, the Collings being a little less. Does anybody have experience with either? I've only played a couple Collings but I hear great things about them. Martin's a legendary brand and pretty consistent.


Your help is always appreciated Gibson community!

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I'd go with the Collings. As you already have a killer Martin dread in the shape of your Cash sig, you owe it to yourself to try a Collings for size. A good friend and former bandmate of mine has an OM2H which is, hands down, the best OM I have ever heard. It is just stunning. Collings build to a phenominally high standard, and I've never played one that hasn't blown me away.

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No D-28GE but have played three D-18GE's that were all beautiful and remarkable. Hog tho. I also played a magic D-28 standard at a local music store. I have a D-16RGT and finally found the right string/pick combo. I use a Fender light jazz pick with D'Add Med PBs. With this pairing, it most closely resembles a classic Martin ring without mud.


Good luck shopping. Happy Birthday

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Personally, I'd love to have a Collings. I visited their factory earlier this summer, and was very impressed by it, the commitment of the workers and management, and the phenomenal results they get.


This may be a romantic notion, but I feel that buying a Collings today while Bill is still so involved in the company is akin to having a guitar that was built under the supervision of a figure like Orville Gibson or Lloyd Loar. Maybe one day, future generations will still be able to buy great and acclaimed Collings guitars, built by people inspired by Bill Colling's legacy, the way we can buy great HD28s today from Martin. But this is your chance to buy a Collings with a little Bill dust sprinkled on it.


Red 333


And God bless Ren Fergeson.

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I also am a Gibson lover.....and a Martin lover......and a Guild lover etc...... so many guitars so little time!

But I do agree with your statement about Martin consistency, of all the Martin guitars I've touched (including the ones I don't own), I have yet to find one that does not impress me both in terms of sound and playability.

I own a D28 (standard), a 000-28 and a SWDGT, so I couldn't comment on the ones you're looking at, but I'm tempted to say based on my experience with the brands, go for the Martin, chances are you won't be disapointed and it is about the only brand I would agree to buy "blind", if I ever would which I doubt.

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Depends. Note that the Collings is tweaked to enhance the treble and overall balance for a more, uh, "modern" tone, not that there is anything wrong with that. Oth, you want the classic golden era (ie more bass) vintage tone (and a beefy vintage V neck to go with it) go with the Martin. CFM nailed its legacy to the masthead with the GE series. And do give the devil its due, Collings is a Martin clone, whereas Martin is... Martin.

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They are nowhere near me so I can't test drive.


Wow!! I would never buy a guitar for the amount we're talking about without a test drive!! You ARE the Man in Black!! :-k


I admire Collings fit and finish, but the Martin would be my choice. The Martin Authentic line is the next best thing to a time machine, given the prices for a real live 1930's D28. (And when you come right down to it, don't dovetail neck joints give you a warm and fuzzy feeling all over? :- )

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You guys are the best. I've got my luthier comparing woods for me. I know, as a builder, he is going to go with the Collings. However, I learned last night that the Collings is priced 1K over the maxium suggested by the VG Buyers Guide for this model year in excellent condition. In this economy I don't want to pay over market. How religiously do you all hold to the VGBG? I do like the idea of buying one with the Bill Collings fairy dust.


Hoss, don't give me too much credit. Both shops have 24 hour inspection/return policies. And yes, dovetail necks definitely make me feel warm and fuzzy. I'm glad you mentioned that as that has always been a drawback for me with Collings.

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I have played several Collings at the Podium in Minneapolis over the years and find them as consistant as Taylor in that, they are all excellent guitars. My choice would be for the Collings just because I have never played a bad one. I certainly can't say that about Martin. Bill dust would always be a good thing too..... :-

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I think I'm gonna go Collings. Hoss and jkinnama had me tilting back toward Martin with their wise words, but Jinder kind of hit the nail on the head. Martin has already been my faithful mistress for years (in my Cash and Guthrie). I'm going to cheat on Gibson and my Martin mistress with a totally new guitar. The Collings I have located has really straight grained quarter sawn AAA brazilian and a perfect red spruce top. The seller is giving me a full week to approve, so how can I lose? I may pick up a Martin D-28 Marquis (EIR or Mad) down the road, but their brazilian stock just can't compete.


Thank you all for the advice!!! I'll post pictures and a review once I have her.

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