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When i was little i grabed a rose once and a rose thorn went into my finger and i dont think it ever got out and i think its still in my finger. Now i noticed every time i press hard on the tip of my pointer finger it hurts and its bothering me while playing guitar. Do you think its still there or did it like decompose or something? Should i get an x-ray and get it removed if its there?

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not knowing the way your fingers are built, I would imagine that if it is close enough to the outerpoint of you skin, you could cut it out like a splinter, if it is way deep in there, you should see an expert


you cant Xray for a thorn, unless it is made of metal/bone/lemur teeth/illegal rosewood............

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My guess is that your body broke most of it down by now.

May still be some dirt or something residual there that never got absorbed, causing sensitivity.


Frankly, I've never been able to figure out what's wrong with your head.

I honestly never considered a problem with your fingers too....



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Tony Iommi had his fingertips chopped off. I think you'll be allright


'tis but a mere fleshwound.

Yeah' date='would've been broken down by now,unless it was an exotic strain of rose bush which harden on contact with moisture(water,blood etc.)and that means it can enter your blood stream and lodge in one of your aortic valves. Nothing to worry about. For now...[-([omg]

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Im going to the doc just in case. [biggrin]


You should, if has someone else says, there still is dirt in your finger, it can cause tetanus, if the appropriate bacteria is in the dirt, in your finger.

The thorn may or may not have come out as yet, if it hasn't it will have to be removed.


You should also already have a shot for tetanus.


Tetanus can cause lockjaw....exactly what it sounds itis.

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My guess is that your body broke most of it down by now.

May still be some dirt or something residual there that never got absorbed' date=' causing sensitivity.




I agree... you should see a doctor about it anyway... if you never got it out it might still be there and any little cut could cause an infection, leading to the finger needing to be cut off.


I'm not kidding, go see a specialist D.

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Do you think its still there or did it like decompose or something? Should i get an x-ray and get it removed if its there?


Don't you have a parent to ask about this kind of stuff? Seriously, if your finger hurts, tell a parent. They will know whether you should see a doctor or not. That's what parents do. Take advantage of their wisdom because you will be on your own all too soon.

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Back in my youth I was a factory worker, (built trucks at Peterbilt). I was drilling a 3/8" hold in a COE cab mount and the drill slipped off the metal and into the palm of my left hand. Went to the nurse, got it patched up and went back to work. Years later I noticed a lump under the scar. Being the curious kind, I dug at it a little and took out a piece of calcified matter about the size of a BB. I suspect the drill bit put a small piece of foreign matter into my hand, and my body "walled it off" by building calcium around it. I took it out.... no more problems....(except for the damn IRS audit in 1986).



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Don't you have a parent to ask about this kind of stuff? Seriously' date=' if your finger hurts, tell a parent. They will know whether you should see a doctor or not. That's what parents do. Take advantage of their wisdom because you will be on your own all too soon.


They went away for this weekend and it just started to hurt alot again.

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Demoon... seriously, yeah, get it checked out. There may well be a problem from either the healing itself or some stuff left in there. I know I had a little bits of steel left from my childhood and early teen years in a car and motorcycle shop that came out for years, and my Dad had itty bitty pieces of steel emerging from hands and eyeballs for years.


On the other hand the encounter with a rose bush brought this to mind, especially given your youth. Google it under the poem's name and "Goethe" for a translation you might get a kick out of. <chortle>




Sah ein Knab ein Röslein stehn,

Röslein auf der Heiden,

War so jung und morgenschön,

Lief er schnell, es nah zu sehn,

Sahs mit vielen Freuden.

Röslein, Röslein. Röslein rot,

Röslein auf der Heiden.


Knabe sprach: Ich breche dich,

Röslein auf der Heiden!

Röslein sprach: Ich steche dich,

Daß du ewig denkst an mich,

Und ich wills nicht leiden.

Röslein, Röslein. Röslein rot,

Röslein auf der Heiden.


Und der wilde Knabe brach

's Röslein auf der Heiden;

Röslein wehrte sich und stach,

Half ihm doch kein Weh und Ach,

Mußt es eben leiden.

Röslein, Röslein. Röslein rot,

Röslein auf der Heiden.



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