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Lead Guitar Resources


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I am looking for some fun online resources to learn how to play lead guitar. I've been a professional musician for 6 years, and I play a lot of songs... but just strumming chords, fingerpicking, and occasional riffs.


The only scale I know completely is the Em pentatonic... and I've been practicing it to drum loops to work on my timing. I hope this gives you an idea of the skill level I'm at... super basic. I play rhythm guitar really well.


So... what song did you first learn to play lead guitar to? What's an easy lead to start with? What's the next scale you think I should start working on?


Some music I enjoy is The Beatles, Hootie and The Blowfish, Blues Traveler, The Eagles - any easy leads there???


Of course, I also enjoy Santana and Jimi Hendrix... but baby steps ;)


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post!



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I'm probably the worst source when it comes music theory and technique, but I've been getting by for over 25 years with just one scale.


The Blues Scale


Learn that and you can play just about any kind of rock and roll unless you're into Rush or some other bands that have guys who actually know what they're doing.


If you *really* want to learn, I'd find someone who can give you proper lessons; I wish I had done that a long time ago but... old dog, new tricks and all that. In some ways, I play more freely since I don't know what the rules are but, in many others, I'm hampered because I don't have the knowledge and technical background that many other musicians possess.


If nothing else, the blues scale will help you get started.

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Yea, look up the blues scale, then all modes in a key, then all keys and their modes.


Learning how to play it in the "open"position is very helpful too, that way you don't play in a "box" pattern all the time and you realize how the scale is played along the fretboard.


Keeping octaves in mind helps a lot when learning too because you can locate notes on the fretboard easier.

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Have you done any ear training? If not, start immediately - don't become a tabtard.


See this article I wrote for one possible way to get up and running;




If rock is your bag, focus on the Aeolian mode and the blue note (# 4th). That'll cover pretty much everything you'll need.

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Aeolian mode - thanks I'll definitely scope that out! I've been practicing turning pentatonic scales into the blues scale from that cyberfret link for the past couple hours.


Rock isn't my #1 - I'm currently more of a folk-pop musician. But I think I need to dive into Rock and Blues to become a lead player.


I've never heard of interval training. Self-taught on the guitar, learn most things by ear and tabs, and am really lacking in the music theory department. No time like the present to try to make that change [cool]


Thank you all for your advice!!! :-k

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