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Good Morning 2010

G McBride

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Kind of hard to believe that a new year has begun.


Spent the last night of 2009 playing on my Songwriter to pacify my youngest grandson. His mother had to work so we cared for him. He responds to music very well, probably going to get Gibson guitars from his grandfather some day.


Just read another post and had to leave, too much negativity. I have several different brands of guitars. I have many that I love to play. A good guitar is the best thing a man can own and it doesn't matter who's name is on the headstock as long as it takes its owner to a good place when played.


Happy 2010 everyone. I am blessed to own a great Gibson and a few good ones. Hope you all find time to play more this year and that we can all play a little better before the next New Years Eve party.

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... Spent the last night of 2009 playing on my Songwriter to pacify my youngest grandson. ... Just read another post and had to leave' date=' too much negativity. I have several different brands of guitars. I have many that I love to play. A good guitar is the best thing a man can own and it doesn't matter who's name is on the headstock as long as it takes its owner to a good place when played.[/quote']


Now that's a sweet and pleasing New Year's Eve story.


And I agree with your sentiments on guitar manufacturers (check my equipment list - serveral manufacturers).


I spent my New Year's trying to understand what **** Clark was saying. [biggrin]


Sad, but true.


And Happy 2010

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Here's to a New year and a better understanding of each other no matter who we are! Lets not allow the governments of the world depict who we are as people and let the music shine through for us!


Rock on People!

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Happy 2010 to all my forum friends! I spent the night with good friends and family as well and even had a chance to play some guitar for everyone to sing along with. Of course I brought my LG1 as it seems to be well loved by all I have played it for.


I have to agree with G McBride...... I don't give a rip about the name on the headstock. I have played many different guitars over the years and realize that there are many I could love. I am fortunate enough to have found 3 acoustics that do it for me. Two say Gibson on the headstock and one says Taylor.... they all get along fine in my music room and keep me happy and satisfied.


Have a blessed 2010 everyone!!!

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