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Calling Karen!! GG -- J-50 alert.


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Stop! Stop! Help! Oh life is so very cruel. How come none of these came up a few months back?? I'm signing a deal on a 2003 Kia Sorento tomorrow morning so no guitars for me for a long long time. :- I have to face facts..... I will never own a J-50 in this lifetime. There aren't words in the English language to express how happy I'd be with a late 60's J-50 (or <gasp> a '56 J-50), but transportation continues to be a challenge for this sportscar-owning woman in the Great White North. I'm sacrificing my love of sound for my need to feel safe on the icy roads amidst giant behemoth SUV's whose tires are bigger than my whole car. :- [crying] [crying]


Gil's IS a '56 <sniff>

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Stop! Stop! Help! Oh life is so very cruel. How come none of these came up a few months back?? I'm signing a deal on a 2003 Kia Sorento tomorrow morning so no guitars for me for a long long time. :-k I have to face facts..... I will never own a J-50 in this lifetime. There aren't words in the English language to express how happy I'd be with a late 60's J-50 (or <gasp> a '56 J-50)' date=' but transportation continues to be a challenge for this sportscar-owning woman in the Great White North. I'm sacrificing my love of sound for my need to feel safe on the icy roads amidst giant behemoth SUV's whose tires are bigger than my whole car. [crying'] [crying] [crying]


Gil's IS a '56 <sniff>



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You could sell your other gear to get the guitar you REALLY want. And I can't believe these words are issueing from MY keyboard " just sayin ". That hurt.

<GASP!!> (gargled choking sound) THUMP! (normal breathing resumes) 'oh' date=' what pretty yellow stars'




Not bloody likely [thumbup

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Stop! Stop! Help! Oh life is so very cruel. How come none of these came up a few months back?? I'm signing a deal on a 2003 Kia Sorento tomorrow morning so no guitars for me for a long long time. :) I :- [crying] [crying]


Gil's IS a '56 <sniff>


GGirl...you simply have your priorities confused. Buy all the guitars you want and then don't leave your house until the roads are safe and dry!


That way you stay safe AND have lots of time to enjoy you guitars.....


Simple.....problem solved !!!


:- :-

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GGirl...you simply have your priorities confused. Buy all the guitars you want and then don't leave your house until the roads are safe and dry!


That way you stay safe AND have lots of time to enjoy you guitars.....


Simple.....problem solved !!!


:) :-



makes sense to me.

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