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A moment of silence for our Brit buddies.......


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I was hoping no-one would pick this up on the other side of the pond.


It does explain why Johnt's input has been below par. He tries to perpetuate a long standing British tradition of getting completely wankered on a Saturday night and having a punch up with the cops, but he can't do it on his own for much longer.


Don't look at me - I'm at home consuming my 560 pints of beer (the average Scottish adult's alcohol consumption per annum by the way) in front of the telly. Too drunk to f...................I mean pluck!

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It looks like a lot of our British members will have their lifestyle curtailed somewhat.....Clearly this article applies to most British Gibson Forumites we know.......our condolences dear friends.....




I thought the reason for having to be an adult to legally drink was because a person is supposed to be responsible by that time in their life!


Seems like Govt. can't help themselves...they HAVE to treat the citizens like children!

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Well thanks for your kind words onewilyfool but we over here in deepest Hertfordshire ( thats Southern UK ) are still playing and yes the odd guitar break is helped along by a glass or two or ? of chardonnay sometimes from Calif as well.


Quite right too fretplay.


I think we have a solution in our household. I bought a home brew kit for my 16yo (Albert John) for xmas and he tells me it will be ready this weekend. We have a village next to ours called Rotten End.


"Albert, I have a name for your beer son!"


Don't need no New Labour Nanny State bollocks thanks!

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I thought the reason for having to be an adult to legally drink was because a person is supposed to be responsible by that time in their life!


Seems like Govt. can't help themselves...they HAVE to treat the citizens like children!


Hey, our government is just as bad. I can't get any transfats in my diet and now they want to limit my salt intake.

Man, Yankee Doodles just don't taste the same anymore.

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When you guys drink California Chardonnay' date=' do you stick your little pinky finger out, like you do when drinking a proper tea????[/quote']


More of a cab sauv man myself. But it does take a real man to drink Californian Chardonnay with one's pinky in the correct tea drinking position.


How is it done in California Wily? Presumably with a tan, a sidearm and straight from the bottle?

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More of a cab sauv man myself. But it does take a real man to drink Californian Chardonnay with one's pinky in the correct tea drinking position.


How is it done in California Wily? Presumably with a tan' date=' a sidearm and straight from the bottle?[/quote']


Not sure how all the "other" California Cab drinkers do it....but I sling the 1-gallon bottle over my shoulder so the opening is level with my mouth...then just pour it in my bottom lip! (however, when I have my index finger hooked in the bottle grip, I DO stick my pinkie straight out!)

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I was hoping no-one would pick this up on the other side of the pond.


It does explain why Johnt's input has been below par. He tries to perpetuate a long standing British tradition of getting completely wankered on a Saturday night and having a punch up with the cops' date=' but he can't do it on his own for much longer.




wankered? wankered??


Does this word exist??


Not even in the poncy USA dicktionary!!


My input has been below par because I have been earning a crust.


As for drinking let alone binge drinking I am a reformed man.


My new Years resolution was to give up booze for good.


At approx 12.03 on 01/01/2010 I decided that good was not for me.



This vile article is balderdash, a mere frolic through the cess pan of the "art" of journalism!!



Don't worry your pretty little heads about it!!


The Brits can still drink the US under the table!


Banana Dacaris and Budlite to you all

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wankered? wankered??


Does this word exist??


Not even in the poncy USA dicktionary!!


My input has been below par because I have been earning a crust.


As for drinking let alone binge drinking I am a reformed man.


My new Years resolution was to give up booze for good.


At approx 12.03 on 01/01/2010 I decided that good was not for me.



This vile article is balderdash' date=' a mere frolic through the cess pan of the "art" of journalism!!



Don't worry your pretty little heads about it!!


The Brits can still drink the US under the table!


Banana Dacaris and Budlite to you all[/quote']


Wankered = North Essex dialect for "slightly worse for wear old chap" as one would say in Kent.


I like you style of new year's resolution. Good effort.

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I guess the third and fourth picture shows you how the guitar will look as you continue to down a few pints.

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