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America! Fxxx Yeah! Caution - abundant profanity


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I know it's not Independence Day just yet, July 4th is still a ways off and all.


I was just in the mood to post something about our nation that warms my heart and makes me PROUD.



Again, a word of caution -

Abundant profanity contained within THIS LINK to a great two-minute video on YouTube.


Do pay close attention to the lyrics, I was really moved the first time I heard this...







My dear friends serving selflessly and tirelessly on the Mod Squad, I'll understand if you feel it's too much.


(Hey, at least I posted plenty of warning!)

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umm I think the vid is actually joking our consumerism..............and one yeah apeared to say slavery............


kind of insulting to a vet..............I did'nt serve my country with the thought in mind of preserving the right to get some overpriced coffee.

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umm I think the vid is actually joking our consumerism..............and one yeah apeared to say slavery............


kind of insulting to a vet..............I did'nt serve my country with the thought in mind of preserving the right to get some overpriced coffee.


Where did you serve Blackie?

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I am a US Army veteran that worked on the AH-1 series attack helicopters weapons systems back in the late 80's

My unit rotated people in Honduras that did some work on their aircraft.....and other things.......

some may remember the Iran Contra affair and Reagan not recalling the illeagal support the US gave to

the rebels in El Salvador that he authorized.....................

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I am a US Army veteran that worked on the AH-1 series attack helicopters weapons systems back in the late 80's

My unit rotated people in Honduras that did some work on their aircraft.....and other things.......

some may remember the Iran Contra affair and Reagan not recalling the illeagal support the US gave to

the rebels in El Salvador that he authorized.....................


Cool. The Cobra is a sweet piece of machinery.

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Ifn I'm gone fight for a word.............thats gone have to be............poontang.............


I was listening to the Johnny Carson Late Show before he retired. He had a guest on that said he used to have a little Prune Tang every morning for breakfast.

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