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Swine Flue H1N1


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I had the opportunity to get immunized and turned it down.

I wish I hadn't. Now I'm suffering. It's been three weeks now since the initial start of the flue. My son and I had it first, he's better now. I thought I was getting better, but it just got worse.

Today is my second trip to the doctor. I feel like I'm choking to death on my own phlegm.

My wife, the disease control public health nurse told me I probably got both flues that are going around.

If you haven't got an immunization yet, do so. This is bad stuff.

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Too true! I'm not entirely convinced it helps, though. With only the two of us in the house, and taking extreme measures to prevent contamination, we still manage to pass our maladies back and forth when one of us gets a bug. Maybe one time out of 4 or 5 we'll dodge a bullet. Anymore the strategy vacillates back and forth between prevention and deliberate infection just to get it over with. :-


Hope you get some relief soon, bro. Your clothes prob'ly don't fit anymore.

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Hmmm... it wasn't that long ago that there was a whole passle of folks on this very forum swearing the H1N1 was a hoax perpetrated by the drug companies....



Hoaxes suck, huh Cali?



Dude, please, take care of yourself. This IS serious ****... people are dying.

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Mmmm. Interesting conundrum this dregs up fer me.


1. I work in the hospital system and it's "compulsory" to be immunised,among other viruses etc,H1N1.


2. My wife has just fallen pregnant with sprat #3 and the quacks are all insisting she/all expectant/new mother's be immunised against the 'strain"...oh the strain...


3. I know better. Now don't get me wrong here,I know full well that if this was Ebola (what?You think I'm exaggerating) we would not be conversing at the moment as this planet is NOT prepared for ANY outbreak whatsoever...so yes. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


In summing up...H1N1 is the LEAST of your worries...unless of course you are immuno-deficient or an infant...which is why my wife WILL be shot full of the retro and RELUCTANTLY me also...though my boss will get a laugh on the sly out of it.

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Hmmm... it wasn't that long ago that there was a whole passle of folks on this very forum swearing the H1N1 was a hoax perpetrated by the drug companies....




Why does this not surprise me? So much paranoia around here.


Its real and its not a nice flu....most people get over it ok unless you're very young or very old but still good to be careful and take care of yourself.


Get better Cali...

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We've lost a couple of very robust and healthy folks in our medieval community. Great one day' date=' dead 10 days later.


It's your life you're dealing with. Take it seriously. [/quote']


Damn... You have friends that have died from H1N1?? How old were they?

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Damn... You have friends that have died from H1N1?? How old were they?



Mid 30's, I think.




make sure you hit "older posts" at the bottom.


Hospitalized on 9/13, gone on 10/1.


Not old, not infirm, not an infant, not imuno-deficient.

Please note that. It's important.



If it were me, I'd take it very seriously.

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This lady is Finland's ex-minister of Health. Watch the video... you WILL feel better CA-man:








I think her problem is obvious





Kissinger's plan? from 1977?


Rumsfeld is killing 1/3 of the world's population for profit?


Drug companies can no longer be sued for malpractice?



Please back ANY of those accusations up with corroborating evidence.


Any of them.


Just one.


Yeah, didn't think so.


You've got a new baby... you telling them to skip his immunizations because Rumsfeld is trying to kill your baby with American pharmaceuticals?



Yeah, didn't think so either.

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Thanks Chanman for taking care of that. I wonder if she's a lib?




Most welcome, sir. I can pass by most of the offal that passes for intellect here, but when someone could be in danger, it's immoral to do so.


But, I don't think the scale goes that far left. I'm pretty sure she passed "As far as you can go to the Left" looong ago...

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H1N1 is nasty stuff i had it a few months back and with Tamiflu and drugs we recovered other than lasting longer I honestly would not have thought it was anything other than regular flu is the doctor had not tested it and got the results of H1N1 but it is killing people and it's not the young or old and infirm this time young and healthy is dying lost a person we know that was a school teacher and 42 years old

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I think her problem is obvious





Kissinger's plan? from 1977?


Rumsfeld is killing 1/3 of the world's population for profit?


Drug companies can no longer be sued for malpractice?



Please back ANY of those accusations up with corroborating evidence.


Any of them.


Just one.


Yeah' date=' didn't think so.


You've got a new baby... you telling them to skip his immunizations because Rumsfeld is trying to kill your baby with American pharmaceuticals?



Yeah, didn't think so either.






I was under the impression that the fact that all the comments on the video came from an ex-minister of one of the planet's most well organised countries, would give some credibility to her statement... But noooo.... Your access to high-profile information and intelligence is obviously higher than hers. Perhaps the old lady is out of her mind... And don't take my opinions into account, I know I'm a sucker for a good consiracy theory...



Let's just state then a couple of facts:


The ''Swine-flu'' is not that new... It emerged first time in the late 70's, in a military camp in New Jersey. FACT.


Donald Ramsfeld is indeed a major shareholder in one of the major pharmaceutical companies that provides the main ingredient for the vaccine. FACT.


Most vaccines have a testing period of many years before they are given to the public. This one came into the market in a couple of months. FACT.


Thousands of doctors around the planet discourage the public to get the shot, because noone can assure them neither on the effectiveness of it, nor the sideffects. A simple youtube search can provide you with numerous videos of relevant public statements of officials. FACT



But as I said above, I'm just a sucker for conspiracy theories... But believe this, I whole-heartedly wish that noone of the above has not even a touch of truth. Honestly...


Perhaps indeed that lady is paranoid...

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It's pretty obvious you didn't read the post I put up from Duke Sven about Dutchess Kolfinna, Hector. You also didn't bother to check where I proved your idiot savant was lying, too.


But... just so we can say we tried to elevate your intellect:


Typing things in an internet forum, followed by FACT does not make them true. One would think any idiot would realize this.


(Unicorns deliver the mail in Russia-FACT!)


Common sense would tell you that there is no way in hell the administrations of Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr and now Obama would be following some crackpot scheme from 1977 to eliminate World population. You DO realize that's what you're saying, right? That this Kissinger plan has outlasted all those administrations and gotten full bi-partisan cooperation...


...again, it shouldn't take a huge IQ to figure that one out either.



Oh... and you never said. Did you have your baby vaccinated against polio? With that Rumsfeld "world population killing" vaccine? Come on, put your baby where your mouth is. IF you truly believed any of that hogspittle you put out, you wouldn't let a doctor NEAR your kid with any of that.


Yeah, full of sh!t, just like I thought.



Quit insulting my intelligence, do some independent thinking or STFU, ******.



You like conspiracies? Here's one.... Everyone who is telling Caliman to ignore the non-existant H1N1 virus is in a conspiracy to try and kill him...



Everyone who knows folks who have died from this and are telling him to take it seriously is trying to save him.



I'll bet I can find some crackpot old lady to say it on a video... cause that will make it FACT!



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I just don't unnerstand it.


My wife and I got our flu shots every year for years. They are free via our employer, but not manditory. Then, this year she says "I ain't gettin' the H1N1 vaccine."


I just don't understand the logic. I got mine and thus far, she hasn't come down with the flu.... yet. I got the seasonal flu then a month or so later the H1N1 when it became available. She got the seasonal, but not the H1N1. [flapper]


I'm wondering if we should all be getting a booster as the H1N1 seems to be a spring / summer variant.


I cannot say that the H1N1 has been going around much. They reported on the number of cases by county, but as the epidemic progressed, the doctors quit doing blood tests to determine which variety was contracted, so little or no reporting was done on the numbers of H1N1 that was actually going around.


Get better pal.

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