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Final mix, Walkin' the Dog


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With my gratitude for all the constructive commentary over the course of the last few weeks, here's the results of my changes in the mix. I kept hoping to find something to salvage in the harp tracks but it just never showed up. So we eliminated the harp and pumped up the very tasty lead licks a bit. I'm stoked with the results and hope you find them pleasing as well. This one's done so it's on now to an original piece.


Thanks again for listening!



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Professional all the way........everything is clear and defined. So what else yall got ?


Thanks, Blackie, glad you like. Nothing else at the moment, it's on to an original piece now. Got the chord progression and the rhythm figured out, and the lyrics are written. So it's back to the studio for the first scratch tracks, and go from there.

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"D" its totally different without the harp' date=' love it!!!! To bad we don't have our own little label quite a few very talented people here across the world from Down Under, to east across the pond, to all over the US. Very sweet there; It might be Axe approved but I stopped eating crawfish and washed my hands just to listen to this tune. Very much worth it![/quote']


LOL! You put your crawfish down?! Man, I'm flattered! [thumbup]


Jocko, I know next to nothing about this recording stuff, although I'm learning large amounts each time we work together. But we're talking about building my studio now and how we'll be able to email files back and forth for mixing different tracks in as we develop the songs. The present studio is an hour from me so it'll be a real time/gas saver, as well as all the fun of having my own set-up. Again, I KNOW NOTHING, but, if we can do it across town, I suspect a few of us could figure out how to do it on a somewhat more expansive scale, geographically speaking. I'm still interested, mon. [cool]


Thanks again for the props, bro'. [wink]

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Jeez Crunz[blink] .... You guys friggin smoke....... HEAVY GROOVE!!!![thumbup]



Thanks' date=' Duane, I"m glad you enjoyed it. And the Henry's will be VERY happy to hear they still got it. [cool They're a real pleasure to work with, making the "work" seem fun.

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Nice work Cruz' date=' it proves things just get better with age.




Thanks, mon, I try to prove that with every opportunity. It occurs to me I've been singing that song for about 47 years, since Mr. Thomas first released his original. I'm very glad you enjoyed it.

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Thanks' date=' Duane, I"m glad you enjoyed it. And the Henry's will be VERY happy to hear they still got it. [biggrin'] They're a real pleasure to work with, making the "work" seem fun.


Glad it's been fun.... Wish I could say the same about our recording project[blink] ..... We are on a two week break after laying down all tracks on just two songs#-o ...... We were on the verge of choking each other[biggrin] LOL!!!!

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Glad it's been fun.... Wish I could say the same about our recording project[blink] ..... We are on a two week break after laying down all tracks on just two songs#-o ...... We were on the verge of choking each other[biggrin] LOL!!!!


Are you working on it daily? I don't know if I'd like that very much. [cool] I mean' date=' it's fun but we gotta get outta there, too. The brothers are all real easy going and very used to each other's company. But, still...


So, in this instance, we worked only 3 or 4 times in the studio, then back to the house and the Mac and Logic for the mixing, processing and mastering. And I didn't have a lot to do with [i']that[/i] part of the process...yet.


I can imagine, working more frequently than that, how it might get a little pressurized occasionally. Need to shoot some hoops every so often...so you don't shoot each other! [thumbup]

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That was great! I love the lead part. It fit it very well. What did you use to record it with? Did you mic the guitars and line them in? The sounds is great and I'd love to learn how you did it.


Thanks, RM, 'preciate the props! The guitar used for both rhythm and lead was an 80's vintage Steinberger, through an M-audio black box reloaded, into the board. The bass, my Schecter, went straight into the board with whatever pre's it has (it's a Mackie). The drums are acoustic mic'd. The tracks were all laid at the studio then taken to the software part of the process via Mac and Logic, which was used for the processing, mixing and mastering.


I, too, have a lot to learn of the recording, mixing process, but the guys I'm working with have been doing it for over 30 years. They produced (and have gold records for) a couple of Eddie Money albums, among their other accomplishments. Hopefully I'll be able to pick something up from them before I get senile. :-

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Very nice Cruzn'. You doing some of the writing?


Hi' date=' Steve, thanks! The next tune we're gonna do is an original, with the music written thus far by the Henrys. The first time we ran through it in the studio, for my own familiarization, they gave me the job of writing lyrics for it. As we progress with the projects, I'll be adding some of my own tunes as well. I should'a hooked up with these guys back when they first asked me in '98. Say La Vee. [cool

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