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What makes you laugh?


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Truly shows that humor is different for different people Beavis, Butthead and Blackie probably a real warning to society as a whole here.


I'd have to agree with George Carlin though - obscene, sarcastic and twisted but at least his IQ was a positive number.






Signage can be pretty funny makes you wonder what people were thinking?






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...............bwa ha ha haahaah haha h hah...............yeah.........I got basset t ball jones.........a bassett ball jones.............

................that bassett ball was like a bassett ball to me..............


..............Knock knock ka- blopt...........yo man it is me Dave...........who is it ?..............it is me Dave man I got the sh-t.........


................DAVES NOT HERE !................no no it is me....Dave man............I got the....................DAVES NOT HERE!....................

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