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Scattered Ramblings


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I get tired of being asked to buy something before I make a purchase, or if I want to put it on a charge card. No, I don't want a crappy frappe, I just want a cheeseburger. No, I don't want to put a 79 cent bag of screws on a Menards card, I don't need one, want one, and I have the change in my pocket.


I see brands like OP and Starter at Wal Mart. Didn't these used to be high end brands? Were they bought out, or did they sacrifice their name for $$$?


Is their a required uniform to ride a Harley?

I see people on Kawasakis, Hondas, Yamahas, etc, wearing tennis shoes, shorts, colorful t-shirts, etc.

Harley riders wear leather jackets, bandanas, heavy boots, chaps, black t-shirts, gloves without fingers [biggrin], etc.

Are Harleys more apt to crash, or is it an adult "let's play dress up and pretend to be something we're not " thing? Why don't rice rocket riders wear the Harley costume?


I read that a candidate for a public office bowed out because he couldn't afford to campaign. What if he was the best candidate?

The candidate with the most money wins? No wonder we're in the shape we're in.


When will everybody realize that Jimmy Page is the greatest rock guitarist of all time? Yeah, he's sloppy, but it's rock. We're not talking classical music here people. He's made mistakes I wish I could play. Chuck Berry was a little sloppy too. Think about it.


The married life is off to a good start. Changing names, merging money, getting into a new routine, etc. We'll be heading out to Orlando tomorrow for a week. I'm sure I'll be burnt to a crisp by Monday. It'll be great.

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I understand that light really DOES 'bend' as it passes near our sun' date=' (i.e. Einstein's Theory of Relativity), but can anyone tell me WHY it bends?[/quote']


It takes something REALLY big...a galactic cluster or a black hole. The gravitational field of the object warps space-time which causes the light to bend - among other really cool things,


It's called a gravitational lens, and I don't know why I know this...

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I get tired of being asked to buy something before I make a purchase' date=' or if I want to put it on a charge card. No, I don't want a crappy frappe, I just want a cheeseburger. No, I don't want to put a 79 cent bag of screws on a Menards card, I don't need one, want one, and I have the change in my pocket.[/quote'] Agreed.

I see brands like OP and Starter at Wal Mart. Didn't these used to be high end brands? Were they bought out, or did they sacrifice their name for $$$?


Is their a required uniform to ride a Harley?

I see people on Kawasakis, Hondas, Yamahas, etc, wearing tennis shoes, shorts, colorful t-shirts, etc.

Harley riders wear leather jackets, bandanas, heavy boots, chaps, black t-shirts, gloves without fingers :-, etc.

Are Harleys more apt to crash, or is it an adult "let's play dress up and pretend to be something we're not " thing? Why don't rice rocket riders wear the Harley costume?

They ride for real. They know it ain't a matter of 'if' your ride will go down, but 'when' you're ride will go down. They are astute enough bikers to realize this and prepare for the inevitable. The rest are just inevitable roadkill that just might take another biker down. Therefore, the sometimes derided leathers.

I read that a candidate for a public office bowed out because he couldn't afford to campaign. What if he was the best candidate?

The candidate with the most money wins? No wonder we're in the shape we're in.

Yup. Ain't it a beach?

When will everybody realize that Jimmy Page is the greatest rock guitarist of all time? Yeah, he's sloppy, but it's rock. We're not talking classical music here people. He's made mistakes I wish I could play. Chuck Berry was a little sloppy too. Think about it.


The married life is off to a good start. Changing names, merging money, getting into a new routine, etc.



We'll be heading out to Orlando tomorrow for a week. I'm sure I'll be burnt to a crisp by Monday. It'll be great.

From the looks of your avatar, you already is. Have fun.

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Is their a required uniform to ride a Harley?

I see people on Kawasakis' date=' Hondas, Yamahas, etc, wearing tennis shoes, shorts, colorful t-shirts, etc.

Harley riders wear leather jackets, bandanas, heavy boots, chaps, black t-shirts, gloves without fingers :-, etc.

Are Harleys more apt to crash, or is it an adult "let's play dress up and pretend to be something we're not " thing? Why don't rice rocket riders wear the Harley costume?



I dunno about the US, but over here HD and its riders are considered to be more or less a joke. Sad old bastards with serious mid-life crisis dressing up to be "rebels" on their time out of the office.


Of course, we do make sure to look carefully for any vests with back patches sewed on before pointing and laughing.

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Rocky... From personal experience many, many years go, leather protects from road rash and a lotta other potential ills that are part of riding a powered "bike." But then, so does a windshield and whatever they call crash bars nowadays. My dad lost an acquaintance who did the t-shirt and jeans, face in the wind, to a pheasant. Bike hit pheasant, pheasant hit rider's head, rider was gone before he hit the road.


The Harley crowd in today's world - I was brought up in a Harley dealership - tends to stylize more, but... no way I'd wear shorts and flipflops.


Actually I'm not so sure that light "bent" as much as the space through which the light travels is bent.


As for beginning married life... I strongly recommend 2 checkbooks, his and hers, but with both parties able to write checks on either. It forces communication on spending and both parties feel they have "their" independent money.



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Harley riders wear Harley clothing because it's part of the fun and part of the concept - Same way guitar players wear t-shirts that advertise guitars and amps same reason we are always *****ing because we want Gibson clothing that costs less than our guitars. The young kids that ride in shorts and tennis shoes are idiots that will definitely regret that choice someday, at least the bright shirts help paramedics locate the bodies quickly.


They try to sell you other stuff and get you to charge it because then they make more money and that's kinda why they are there. I agree it's a hassle but it works watch the idiots in line someday impulse purchases at the last minute are huge. grocery stores with all the crap at the counter proved that years ago. If it's not enough proof watch somebody order at McDonald's study the menu the hee and haw then look at the other menu even though it's the same damn thing for five minutes, all regardless of the fact that McDonald's has had the same basic food since they were three years old. People are goofy so they manipulate us whenever possible this answer also works for the Walmart statement.


Jimmy Page the best is still an opinion no matter how many times it's said. He's better than Buckethead, Slash and all the other fan favorites but let's be honest for a moment everybody knows Warren Haynes is the reason guitars were invented - everybody else is in a fight for second place... [biggrin]

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I guess I have to agree on the checkbook thing.


We've always had one. Early on I always kept it and paid the bills. She complained, "How come there's no money at the end of the month?" "Because there's too much month at the end of the money, " I'd say.


That worked for about two years, then her harping got the better of me. So, I said, "You keep it and pay the bills."


bad move. [biggrin]


For the next three years we were, at least once a month, overdrawn, never knew where we were at, bills paid late, yada, yada, yada. She didn't squander it mind you, but she had no clue how to run a budget. I finally figured out we were paying late charges on half our bills every month. We weren't out of money, she was too scared to write a check before she went to the bank to check the balance. I tallied up the late charges and overdraft fees for 2 months and that got her attention. THAT is why there's no money at the end of the month.


It works better when we both sit down and pay bills together. [cool] Imagine that.



Read closely my young padawan learner newly wed. I didn't say "SHE" was overdrawn, I said "WE" were overdrawn.


Married folk get along a whole lot better when they are very, very judicious about the use of 'he' and 'she' when referring to their spouse.

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As for beginning married life... I strongly recommend 2 checkbooks' date=' his and hers, but with both parties able to write checks on either. It forces communication on spending and both parties feel they have "their" independent money.





We will be using one. Both our exes were financial idiots and we've discussed money matters quite extensively. Here's hoping for the best. Thanks for the heads up.

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I dunno about the US' date=' but over here HD and its riders are considered to be more or less a joke. Sad old bastards with serious mid-life crisis dressing up to be "rebels" on their time out of the office.


Of course, we do make sure to look carefully for any vests with back patches sewed on before pointing and laughing.[/quote']




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We just had our 32nd Anniversary. From the very beginning I've paid all the bills, but she keeps the checkbook. In 32 years, no bounced checks, never overdrawn, pretty much no issues with money. My wife ran our business for about 10 years, but other than that, she hasn't worked. I wouldn't have it any other way. Our son had a full-time mother, and now she's a full-time Pug-Mom.

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...............Ramblin ........yep ...only thing kept me sane........I just split my personality a little bit and talk ,........joke ,....laugh.......seek and

give advice.................to myself out loud sometimes.........ha ah hah ha...........


Oh .........the Harley merchandize.........naw....I don't buy any f-ckin Gibson merchandize....................just havin the guitar ....and liking it is enough.


............Bike Clubs are some of the folks love you like a full blood brother......be your family.........of course if you have a fallin out.....they might

........kill your as$ also...........


The Flyin Deaths Head......81.........How many bars you hang out in got the NO COLORS warning at the door.

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