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Anyone looking for an AJ?


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yep, timing is everything. i wasn't going to let it go but i snagged a custom shop 12 fret Southern Jumbo last night and when you add that to the J185 TV i bought a week or so ago (along with the fact that my HDTV crapped the bed this morning), well, something's gotta give....


this AJ is sweet. i'm prolly gonna regret it...

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yep' date=' timing is everything. i wasn't going to let it go but i snagged a custom shop 12 fret Southern Jumbo last night and when you add that to the J185 TV i bought a week or so ago (along with the fact that my HDTV crapped the bed this morning), well, something's gotta give....


this AJ is sweet. i'm prolly gonna regret it...[/quote']




that's awesome! i actually helped design that guitar (believe it or not). #-o send me a PM and i will tell you the history. O:)


really glad someone liked it!

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i work for a Gibson dealer. our rep came in one day and we got talking about how much success we have been having selling Gibson acoustics

made in small runs such as the zebrawood J45s that were out last year. we had rolled the dice on 4 or 5 different models made in short runs

recently and were very pleased with the results. this is a big thing with us b/c no one outside of our town is really aware of us. we just aren't

one of those stores advertising on forums and such to pull in buyers who aren't local. it makes some of these things harder to sell. anyway, he

mentioned that WE should design one. so, the rep (Kevin Boyle... heck of a nice guy), myself, and one of our other guys sat down to do it.

Montana will make special runs if they have enough orders (usually about 10) without it being a huge upcharge like the one-offs are. Kevin

said that if we came up with something cool, then he could get a couple of the other dealers in his territory (independents along the gulf coast) to order

some and we could actually see it happen.


we came up with a Southern Jumbo 12 fret. it has the banner logo headstock, the smaller OJ style burst, a larger V-neck, and the lighter bracing

more like a TV. i won't talk specific pricing here, but it directly competes with the J45tv. so, very reasonable for how cool it is. they are great guitars.

they sound killer, feel amazing, and look VERY cool! it's also something you aren't likely to see on every street corner. they didn't give us an official

final number, but i believe they made about a dozen. Kevin Boyle took the first one, and we got the 2nd. the others are spread out amongst a few

of his independent dealers in the region.


so there you go. :)

i felt proud that i got to design a guitar for this brand that i love. it's cool that there isn't just one. i actually designed something that a few examples

of which will spread out around the world! maybe i will run across one 30 years down the road and smile at it! i'm REALLY glad that jannusguy got one

and is so happy with it! i was surprised to see his post. :)

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that is so cool modac. it arrives tomorrow and i am so stoked. i saw it on ebay (from a store in GA.) and i had to have it. i have a roy smeck reissue and love 12 frets so, this was a no brainer because it was so unique. it's very late and i'm beat but when it comes tomorrow i will post some pics and send you a PM. VERY COOL.



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Hey modoc_333 and others. jannusguy had his username and/or password screwed up in the last forum crash and can't log in. He was trying to log in to post pics of his new guitar when he found out he can't log in. He'll be back soon, and hopefully as jannusguy and not a new profile!

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nice pic! and yep, looks like the same run i described earlier. that firestripe guard was something i made sure they would have! i think it looks sexy!



edit: earlier i forgot to mention the firestripe guard.... but also the LR Baggs Element pickup.

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