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will covers fit my epi pick-up


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I'm not an expert either. In fact, I hadn't even heard about sealing them before.


I did try them on a 'project' guitar though, and the one thing I'll say is they probably took 1/3 of the sound away. Both in volume and overall quality.


Could have been the pickups too I suppose, (stock special's).


Sure looked good though. :-



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When you get PU covers make sure the holes line up with your PU polepieces. Holes come in different spacings.

I never wax-seal them. They usually are a tight fit anyway. A drop of solder, or rather 2 drops, and that's it.

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A wax bath or wax potting is advisably if you're a high-volume high-gain player....otherwise you'll get microphonic feedback (uncontrollable squealing). When I went back to regular gigging last year I found myself playing a lot of small venues where I had to stand close to my 100w combo. I ended up wax potting all my humbuckers to solve the feedback problems.


If you google Lindy Fralin wax potting you'll find instructions.

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that's a delicate process.. heat the wax too high you ruin the coil coating.

heat the wax too low, or don't leave it immersed long enough, and it wont penetrate.


waxing is primarily done to prevent things from rattling. the pickup wont be microphonic unless there is something to vibrate.

usually it's just a not so hot cover connection that is the problem.


I guess I'm trying to just say. be careful. be sure you need it.



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