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GC July 4th sale

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Each GC has their own supply of sales merchandise with their own sales prices.

So it all depends on the store you go to.

There is one GC about 5 miles from my place, and another one about 20 miles away.

I often go to both. But invariably the one 20 miles away has better sales, better sales people and service.

But with gas the way it is, I now always go the 5 mile one for strings. For anything more expensive, I still will drive the 20 miles. It's just a better store.

Tomorrow, I'm not going to either. No money....boo hoo :)

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Here's the game plan:


Got a $20 gift card for being a "Prefered" Customer.


Gonna buy a $15 tuner and a $5 cable.


Gonna sell the tuner to a friend for $10 and that will pay for gas and lunch.


I'll get to spend some quality time browsing the selection, play a few guitars, have lunch, score a cable that I need, and break even on the cost.


For me, that's a pretty good morning.

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Whenever they send me discounts in my e-mail, they always seem to exclude Fender and Martin...


When I got the Guitar Center Economic Stimulus discount, I was surprised to see that the only exclusions were on used, vintage (which are the same thing at the local store), and the Fender Custom Shop Lenny Strat.

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GC is 60 miles from me and there are 4 others that range from that to 90 miles away. I generally have a specific reason to go to GC. It would be nice if you could go to the GC website and browse the sale paper for your store. That way, it might be worth going to a sale. I'm not driving 120 miles round trip to get the yellow sheet unless I'm going to buy something I know that is in stock.


After all, the local mom and pop stores will match the price on anything that they carry or can order. I've done it so many times that I just give them the opportunity to bid before I drive the mileage to GC.


I will say that I have gotten some good deals in person at GC. I got $109 off the internet price on my Epi LP custom flametop. That was worth the drive. But, now they have raised the prices and announced that they will not deal on the price. Unless I'm mistaken, the Epi goldtop I want used to sell for $399, now its $499.

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Sometimes they deal, sometimes they don't. You just have to catch them in the right mood with the right item.


I've gotton many good deals from GC and I've also walked away over a $50 difference in opinion.


I'm always friendly with the sales guys and I've established a reputation as a buyer who WILL BUY if the price is right. I don't go in just to Kick-The-Tires.


A few weeks back I tried to negotiate on a 1990 Standard, they wouldn't budge on the price. Last week they sold me a New 2008 Standard for less then the 1990 Standard.


Both guitars were very nice looking, I don't buy ugly guitars no matter how good the deal is. So why did they negotiate on one but not the other, I don't know, just luck I guess.

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That is quite the bargain...


I managed to get the PA system. It's not an incredible deal, though. I paid $425 for a system that normally would have cost $500.


It did look like almost all of the guitars in stock were reduced at least $50... I almost bought an Epiphone Les Paul Studio, but decided it probably wasn't the wisest thing to to, currently. But I do have a weakness for white Les Pauls... I'm not sure why.

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I didn't but a guitar but I did buy a Yamaha Portable Grand-225 digital Piano for $280. What a cool toy. Modern electronic digital technology is awesome. The only thing it is lacking is an input for a guitar so you record guitar tracks over all the other cool stuff you can create with the built in features.


Thanks Uncle Sam for all the cool retirement toys I bought with my Economic Stimulus Check.

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