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I've heard rumors floating around that Gibsson plans to do away with both the sg standard and the 61 reissue and to combine different characteristics from both to make a new model.


i read that on the other forum. seeing is believing. both of these models make Gibson a LOT of money....and people arent complaining about them the way they were about the chambering issues (ie now there is the Traditional)

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Heard rumors where?


I'd say they are woefully misguided by a national guitar chain or leading retail sales site.

Every time GC or MF has a clearance sale (Get 'em before they're ALL GONE!!!) somebody takes that to mean Gibson is gonna quit building them altogether. This question has popped up a dozen times in the 4 years I've been in forums.

Same result every time.


Gibson may do some stupid things, but considering how many 61 RI's they sell and how much they make on them...

The Standard is indeed the standard of that segment of the market, and profitable.


Look back to the SG Supreme....

Beautiful guitar, incredible top, 24 frets, ultimate SG coolness and playability.

They hung in guitar shops collecting dust because the price was too high and the guitar was too flashy.

Most SG buyers were happy with the traditional looking SG and didn't add them to their collection.

Most Supreme buyers I ever met had never owned an SG and took the $$$ plunge when they saw that Maple top.


Of course, I could be wrong....



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Just because I've had multiple dirty dealings with a certain national guitar chain and hate them with a passion...

Hey' date=' I'm still a happy guy![/quote']


I prefer to do business with the "local music store" also. In my case he is a high end guitar shop with leather furniture and Persian rugs. Once more I pay a hundred dollars or so more than I would at Guitar Center, and I don't mind doing it. They make up for higher prices with class & good service.

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I agree, both are good sellers so why get rid of them. On the other hand, they may want to scale down the production models by combing them and then if you want a reissue anything it will have to be a historic. I wouldn't be surprised if the 61RI was cutting out historic SG sales.

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No way. Gibson will never give up the sg. It is a trademark of rock'n roll!

Nobody suggested they were giving up the SG at all. Merely that there was rumor they might be combing features of the standard and 61 into a single production model rather than both.

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I hope it is nothing more than a rumor personally.Both guitars have certain different features which come people like certain one,and don't like certain other ones,Why would they want to guess at what people most want and make just one model sg rather than keep both the standard and the 61RI,and if they still wish they could always make their hybrid sg in addtion to the models currently made.I'd be sad to see the standard or 61 go to be honest

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