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Riviera P93


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So I just ordered it from MF, my first time ordering online, can't wait 'til it gets here in 10 days. Anyone have anything good/bad to say about this guitar?


p.s. if you want to help me pay for it check my sale thread in the Trades/Sales section.

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search the forum for p93. i have one and love it. a few memebers here pulled the trigger on one when first runs hit last yr. since then folks who waited have been waiting for reproduction to hit store as gibson promised. Have fun with it and post pics when you get her home 8-[



fyi, some have even paid 250 over orginal cost for them on ebay. most of it i believe was due to gibson not saying if production run was done.

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I have one & really like it, too. It's pretty unusual but cool. It did take a bit of setup tweeking when I got it, though. The only bad thing I can say about it is that is comes with the cheapest knobs I've ever seen. Really cheap plastic. I replaced them immediately with some gold speed knobs from GFS.


It's not the world's most versatile guitar but it does what it does real well. And you're not apt to find another rig with that configuration for awhile.

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awsome guitar just got mine last week, when you fiddle with the middle pick up selction you can get some very gretsch like and even some strat tones, it needed a lil set up, i would recomend up grading the electroncs in the future( for some reason when i turn the volume off on the middle pick up it makes the others ( neck and bridge) a tad bit more noisy, but besides that, i used to only think that a fender tremolo was the way to go, I am now a huge bigsby guy do to this guitar, im about to buy one to put on my tele, the guitar rocks, and the finish is much much prettyer up close,

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