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Ladies and Gentleman, we have a girl! (PICS UP!)


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On dark finishes, the scratches will just change appearance depending on how you wipe.

It's a heartbreaker if you're real anal about it.


I've had two black Les Pauls - never again!


I never had any luck completely eliminating finish swirls on a Gibson.

Some guys have the knack for it and can do a pretty good job.


Use a couple clean cloths, one for cleaning - one for final buffing, and wash them often.

Stay away from ANYTHING that has even the mildest abrasive unless you KNOW what you're doing.


I use only Gibson pump polish, keep 'em wiped down after I play.

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My violin teacher told me that whenever you wipe down your intrument (I would assume this would also apply to guitars, because they are also string instruments made of wood), ALWAYS wipe along the grain of the wood. For example, when I wipe down the flamed maple on my violin, I wipe it from the left to the right, not up and down, but left to right. Then, when I get to the spruce (spruce looks the same as mahogany, and its grain goes the same way), I wipe up and down, not left to right, but up and down. I've been wiping that violin like that for 3 years, and I never have swirl marks. Try it, I've done it on my SG and it works.

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Man its like a 24 hour ride. I open the case every morning when I get up for a wiff of that new guitar smell and go do what I have to do, starts the morning in great style. Then I'll come back and play her.


Im still very protective over her, when my palm leaves marks on the nickle covers I wipe it straight off hahaha!


She is a beauty. Sorry for any GAS caused and I dont like "Showing Off" but I just had to for my forum buddies!

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