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Last night, my kids and I were sitting in the living room and I said to them, 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.'


They got up, unplugged the Computer, and threw out my scotch.


They are SO on my **** list . ..

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Last night, my kids and I were sitting in the living room and I said to them, 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.'


They got up, unplugged the Computer, and threw out my scotch.


They are SO on my **** list . ..


Shoot, I told that to some kids and they yanked my respirator tube and ate my apple sauce :unsure:

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I am a 55 yo veteran who has several disabilites and broke my back and neck in 199 coming back from Wyoming and a wmen ina mini van cut me off...thank god a trucker on the other side saw it as I went into the corn field about 12.2 miled and crashed and had a broken arm, neck ,back, collar bone, eye socket and lots of road rash.


While laying aorund for a year with a HALO I had a heart attack...GREAT !!!!!


AS I layed there for 6 months it was time to go to physical therapy....my first day I went to lift the bar there were not weights on it nothing a 15 lb bar......

I lifted it once and bang three broken vertabrae and 4 herniations and more breaks were to come


Turns out I had LUPUS and it softened up my bone mass. I was finally getting the pain under control still walking with a cane all the time and all of a sudden my wife gets MS, I take her to the hospital tokmee out DOC and I have a STROKE.


4 more back n neck surgerieslater they tell me they can do no more..I was likie no more what DAMAGE????? LEAVE ME ALONE !!!!


FOr the next two years every 3 month I was in the hospital getting another stint put in or another clog cleaned out....it was a mess/


This past january they put in a Pacemeker that was when they appraoaced me n said you should get your affairs in order.....not even thinking he meant dieing I looked at him and said I don;t cheat on my wife...he said NO your fininacial affar's....UH WHY???


Cause a nebver know a just never know.....so with 10 days to go I had the roof re-done on the house 4 new windows installed, a new front strom door, the driveway re-paved....I fixed everything I could think of.


But still thnking about m mortality and who gets what guitar and who get this and thatlllllSCREW it I left it all to WENDY and shoud somethig hapen to the both of us at the same time....some goes to some charitites and the rest to HER MOTHER AND SISTERS...who ever needs it the most !!!



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I am a 55 yo veteran who has several disabilites and broke my back and neck in 199 coming back from Wyoming and a wmen ina mini van cut me off...thank god a trucker on the other side saw it as I went into the corn field about 12.2 miled and crashed and had a broken arm, neck ,back, collar bone, eye socket and lots of road rash.


While laying aorund for a year with a HALO I had a heart attack...GREAT !!!!!


AS I layed there for 6 months it was time to go to physical therapy....my first day I went to lift the bar there were not weights on it nothing a 15 lb bar......

I lifted it once and bang three broken vertabrae and 4 herniations and more breaks were to come


Turns out I had LUPUS and it softened up my bone mass. I was finally getting the pain under control still walking with a cane all the time and all of a sudden my wife gets MS, I take her to the hospital tokmee out DOC and I have a STROKE.


4 more back n neck surgerieslater they tell me they can do no more..I was likie no more what DAMAGE????? LEAVE ME ALONE !!!!


FOr the next two years every 3 month I was in the hospital getting another stint put in or another clog cleaned out....it was a mess/


This past january they put in a Pacemeker that was when they appraoaced me n said you should get your affairs in order.....not even thinking he meant dieing I looked at him and said I don;t cheat on my wife...he said NO your fininacial affar's....UH WHY???


Cause a nebver know a just never know.....so with 10 days to go I had the roof re-done on the house 4 new windows installed, a new front strom door, the driveway re-paved....I fixed everything I could think of.


But still thnking about m mortality and who gets what guitar and who get this and thatlllllSCREW it I left it all to WENDY and shoud somethig hapen to the both of us at the same time....some goes to some charitites and the rest to HER MOTHER AND SISTERS...who ever needs it the most !!!




Your quite a survivor James!! You are an inspriation to us all, and thank you for serving our country. Im only 20 and i cant even think about Mortality anymore...I feel like life is SO short, and it has really hit me hard this past year..Its a very scary thought, to think whats going to happen after I'm gone.

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Last night, my kids and I were sitting in the living room and I said to them, 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.'


They got up, unplugged the Computer, and threw out my scotch.


They are SO on my **** list . ..



For real? [laugh]=D> \:D/ [lol]

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"Im only 20 and i cant even think about Mortality anymore...I feel like life is SO short, and it has really hit me hard this past year..Its a very scary thought, to think whats going to happen after I'm gone."


Well... I'm well past 20 and it doesn't make much difference what happens when you're "gone," 'cuz you're gone. So until then...


That's a message mankind has repeated for roughly all the time we know of through various writings.


Jax was kidding. At least I'm almost certain HE was.



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The last three months at the NeoCon Compound have been largely consumed by Mrs. Neo's mother and her flirtation with mortality. At 70 years of age, you can find her picture in any dictionary or encyclopedia under "Sweet Little Old Lady."


Swear to God.


Had the family meetings, had the "Come To Jesus" meeting.


Dealt with the needs of Poppa who is lost without his wife and veritable right hand.


Seen four separate occasions where the ICU called and said to gather everybody up.

(Voluminous bleeding from inside the lungs is a bad thing)


Seen the dueling preachers vying for credit as her spritual connection.

(She switched churches a few years back, our old one has become a Mega Church.)


Discovered that the oldest daughter was NOT the Medical Power of Attorney.

(Went back to all four siblings retaining rights of decision - Poppa declined)




Now she's in a rehab center, and being successfully weaned from a ventilator.

Drugs have been greatly reduced, and she's able to communicate.

There's a remote chance she may actually go home at some point.

She's a miracle, if she survives the ordeal or not.


Stuff makes you think.

Problem is, every answer reveals two more questions.


This woman should have been dead a dozen times since she was a child.

Amazing life she has led.


Look around at the people actively destroying their health in comparison.

(My diet alone is horrible - I'm the ORIGINAL Atkins Diet guy...)



Good thing I avoid so many other health hazards, smoking, booze, dope, needles, etc.

I feel more comfortable taming neutrons, refining oil, and creating explosive chemicals at work - and mastering weapons, flying and motorcycling for hobbies.


I'll probably die by falling in the damned bathtub, or something equally macho.

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I hear you more than you might imagine.


All the crazy things I did for years and finally a cupla years ago I shattered my left leg. Doing martial arts in Asia or driving far too fast or falling out of a helicopter taking pix or finally getting caught in a blizzard? Nope. Walking from one side of a room to another to take a photo and slipping on an unseen bit of water on a highly polished floor. Humbling.


I just hope the family things brought people together instead of the reverse. I think sometimes my siblings and I are rather blessed with greed neither for our parents' affection nor possessions.



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Thanks Milo.

Family has done incredibly well, but they are a tight-knit God-fearing clan.

No jealousy or pettiness among them.


The old man is afraid he doesn't understand the doctors well enough.

Fears he can't be objective.

They wanted the oldest to be POA and she accepted years ago.


She lost her husband's mother three years ago, and he's still a bit wobbly.

Very sharp guy though.


Second oldest is the only son.

Lost his wife a decade ago to a brain seizure - with two small boys.

He wants nothing to do with the decision-making.


It's fallen to my wife and her sister 15 months older.

The two of them may as well be twins in every sense of the word - they are TIGHT.


So the two youngest are pretty much calling the shots and doing the heavy lifting.

And it's not like either of their lives had room for it...


I've done a lot more lawn care, landscaping, house work, laundry and cooking of late.

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Been there, done that, although for some other circumstances.


Sounds like your wife's a keeper, though. Heck, if she lets you mess with guitars as you do...


<grin> The lack of family pettiness is a wonderful thing - especially if one has seen the reverse.



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The lack of family pettiness is a wonderful thing - especially if one has seen the reverse.

Yeah, great salt-of-the-earth folks.


My own extended family has pulled a few minor league stunts over the years.

That's why they don't know where I live...



Best friend's wife of 23 years lost her father, petty doesn't even touch it with her brothers.

Still, nothing beats the family of my ex-wife when her maternal grandfather passed away.


Absolutely disgusting behavior.

And you often cannot tell ahead of time who the culprit will turn out to be.


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I think this is a good potential lesson for us all...


It's been said that a child's basic character and personality has been set in stone by age 7. Yes, they can learn different behaviors, etc., but...


I would disagree a bit about not knowing who's going to be the petty-nasty at some point, as in vulturing the worldly goods of relatives. IMHO one can tell a degree of selfishness well in advance of "the time."



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God bless you and your family Neo.


In case others missed it. There are two types of Powers of Attorney, Financial and Medical. Having one does not give power of the other and for good reason. Financial allows a person to pay another person's bills, cash checks and manage financial affairs while that person is still living. The Medical Power of Attorney allows a person to call the medical shots. Bottom line this one person, holder of MPOA, can say 'Pull the Plug'. Doctors are unwilling to pull plugs and will keep you alive as long as they can. If you are in a feeble position, assign both a MPOA and a FPOA. For everyone's health, sanity, and reputation make sure those two are different people and not each others' spouse. It is not good for one person or a married couple to have both the keys to the kingdom and keys to the life support.


Neither POA is automatically an executor upon your death. The Financial POA's authority ceases when your heart stops pumping. An Executor is a separate entity, but could be one of the above two mentioned POAs or another person entirely.

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Right on about the different powers of attorney and the suggestion that it not be the same person.


The rough one is the "pull the plug" power. That's where a lack of pettiness and a family consensus is vital.



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