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Hey Thundergod, are you doing OK down there?


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Thunder went offline this afternoon after a post on MLP describing lawlessness in the Country. He said he secured some guitars in a safe room in his studio which is in an upper class area ........but was very concerned as general lawlessness is spreading.


I hope he and his family will be ok.

Soldiers rush Ecuador hospital holding president - World news - Americas - msnbc.com




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When a government leaves you with nothing more to protect you than God, what good is it for YOU?


That's government for the sake of government, preserving itself at ALL costs.

How many success stories are there once they've reached that point?



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From Thunder :


Things are returning to normal


As normal as they get down here.


Internet was down for a couple of days, local tv networks were out for a while too. Commies didn't want anyone to know what was really going on. Guess we'll never know for sure.


Someone stole my iPhone and I just got a replacement from the cellphone company.


The internet was so damn show I couldnt post or even get a decent connection to run msn Messenger or send mails.


Thanks for your support guys, it means a lot. Gotta go take care of some stuff at the studio (guarda remained there but still there was some minor problems). Ill post detalle later.


Again, thanks guys.

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