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New Amp Day Again guys..Returned my Egnater Tweaker the other day, cuz quite frankly...it sucked...and today, as i heard the brown truck roar up the street...i watch the UPS guy ROLL the 60lb amp and placing the box upside down on my doorstep...It took me alot not to smack him, since it clearly states in BIG letters on the box HANDLE WITH CARE...but I guess the ****** couldn't read as well as lift....So after I showed him how to do his job and actually LIFT the box, I went inside to inspect the amp and make sure nothing was broken....To my surprise everything was intact...And i was incredibly surprised by how big the sucker was...The new amp is a Blackstar HT Club 40...and I must say It kicks the Egnater Tweakers *** to the curb....The clean channel was AMAZING witch i was really surprised at..and of course the overdrive channel, was creamy and just plain kick-***...The ISF feature is brilliant and IMO is much more versitale then the Tweaker, and sounds a whole lot better...With the Egnater, all the voices IMO were useless except the AC voicing...The USA was ok for a clean setting, but for overdrive the British and U.S. settings just plain sucked...I didn't realize how dissapointed I was with it until I got my Peavey Classic 30 up and running again...So the gist of the topic is...as said by others...BLACKSTAR kicks some serious ***...and completely destroyed the Tweaker in everyway imaginable...I am quite happy on this spur of the moment return, and am very impressed with Blackstar's HT Club 40. IF you want an amp with luscious cleans and heavey cream overdrive...this is your machine... ( Pics will be posted tomorrow as well as a more detailed opinion/review)


(and do yourself a favor and skip the tweaker IMO)

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I kind of liked the Tweaker, mabye it was the guitar? [lol]


Ive never played the blackstar you bought though, never seen it around here.

Ill keep an eye out, and you better post pics. [thumbup]


Tweaker seemed very BLAND to me compared to my other amp's. Pic's comin soon

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Guess I should explain that more after reading my post.


The Blackstar venue level amps have pretty good rock tone but the tube breakup I want a tube for just wasn't there for me, so it sounded like a ss amp for most of it's settings. The Artisan series from Blackstar $$$ sounded great but the lower cost venue series seemed like just another asian made amp looking for a price point from what I heard. Sounds like your experience was different or even reversed so I guess it's good they make so many different amps.

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Hmmm... I love my Egnator Rebel 20. It amplifies the sound very well... [smile] My pedals do the tweeking... [thumbup]


I've heard better things about the Rebel myself (My tweaker did not take pedal's well either)...and have heard great clips of it as well...And to answer Guitarest question, It's a sealed back.

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Nice. Glad you're happy.


How many speakers, what size?



Not familiar with Blackstar in detail, but I have seen them before.


40 watts and a 12 inch Celestion...When I first got it out of the box, I thought it was a 2x12 by the size of it. I have never had an amp that takes pedals like this champ too. [thumbup]

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