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NAD - Egnater Renegade


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I hardly trust myself to wire my own pickups back up... I'm hoping to find an amp maker that can do that. I should try to talking to the guy at Phaez amps to see if he will or if he knows anyone that will. To me, that would be the perfect amp, throw in a switch that knocks it down to like 15 watts, and I would be in heaven


There was one Phaez amp that I was looking at, I cán't remember the name........


djroge1 builds amps.....maybe he can help you out.

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Hey Nathan, are you sure your name isn't " triple post freddy fuzz"? Lol


And bbplayer, careful not to run into your garage door with your car. Done that, I don't drink, so it wasn't that. I just bent the g. door & had to get the frame repaired. A brain fart moment... [confused]

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Hey Nathan, are you sure your name isn't " triple post freddy fuzz"? Lol


And bbplayer, careful not to run into your garage door with your car. Done that, I don't drink, so it wasn't that. I just bent the g. door & had to get the frame repaired. A brain fart moment... [confused]


My internet is acting up, it always posts three times... just kidding, I'm really trying hard to raise my post count [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol] [lol]

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I've only played through the amp for a couple hours so far, but as far as I can tell it does the Marshall sound very well. Very Plexiy. Creamy and brassy sounding with a lot of sustain. Does the super reverb thing no problem (except I'm playing through (2) 12's instead of (4) 10's). Very 6L6y. Touch sensitive with tons of headroom. Tweed? - No problem - its right there. [wub]

Two channels with independent everything on each channel. Channel 1 is lower gain. Channel 2 has a lot of gain on tap. I'm playing my LP with the gain at about 9 or 10 oclock and its got my blues grit thing going. I haven't even tried the gain any higher. You can set the tube mix independently, along with the reverb. Adjustable footswitchable boost level for channel 2. Direct out. [love]


18W/65W switch for each channel - Haven't tried the 18W setting yet. [biggrin]

I ended up never using the adjustable watts knob on my Rebel 20. It doesn't sound the same. :unsure:


Nathan - Everybody thinks their amp is great, and I'm no exception, but from what you're saying you're looking for, this might be up your alley. If you're looking for a smaller amp, the Rebel 30 might fit the bill. It'll do the Deluxe Reverb thing well. But it doesn't have as many bells and whistles as this amp. If you don't like a master volume, you can leave it wide open and put a piece of black tape over it so you don't see it. [wink]

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Why don't people like Master Volumes? Its very useful to get gain crunchy tones at a low volume.

This amp sounds perfect for me because I wanted to have a multi amp setup, one of them being a Marshall type and a Fender type.


I heard you can use different combinations of tubes as well? And there is an effects loop? And built in reverb?


Tell me this amp isn't made in America or Britain, because that would be the topping on the cake

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Amps with master volume sound weird to me, I can never seem to get them where I want. The sound always sounds compressed or something. I hate compression. I want that wide open sound because you can always narrow it, but you can't make it wider (at least to me and my ears)


That's one of the reason I love Fender amps I guess. I will definitely try one of these Egnaters out when I get the chance though

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I also have a Rebel 20 and I just sold a Tweaker. Here's the thing with those amps. The Tweaker has 6V6 power tubes, and it does a great job sounding like a 6V6 amp. But when you start changing all the switches and knobs to make it try to sound like a "british" amp, it starts to lose it's sparkle and the dynamics are lost. It seems to do the Fender sound really well, to my ear, but it really didn't do the British thing very well.


The Rebel 20, on the other hand, has both 6V6's and EL84's and it does a great job at making both types of sounds. The amp isn't doing a lot of massaging the signal to make it sound one way or the other. There's much more pure transparent sound coming from the Rebel. It is a killer little 20 watt amp - more like 30 watts when you dial in both sets of tubes. Way louder than the Tweaker.


The Renegade is similar to the Rebel in that it has two sets of power tubes and you can dial in the mix between the two sets of tubes. I like that.


probably the best explanation of why my Tweaker Combo sounded the way it did...thank you..I've heard similar complaints as well towards the Tweaker. Really wanted to like it too...but just couldnt..Really gotta try the Rebel.

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Why don't people like Master Volumes? Its very useful to get gain crunchy tones at a low volume.

This amp sounds perfect for me because I wanted to have a multi amp setup, one of them being a Marshall type and a Fender type.


I heard you can use different combinations of tubes as well? And there is an effects loop? And built in reverb?


Tell me this amp isn't made in America or Britain, because that would be the topping on the cake

I prefer class A/B to Class A amp's....I gotta have that Master Volume...I either want crystalline clean's or super saturated gain, not a mix in between..( that's what I use my various OD pedals for)

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I prefer class A/B to Class A amp's....I gotta have that Master Volume...I either want crystalline clean's or super saturated gain, not a mix in between..( that's what I use my various OD pedals for)


I can't stand crystal clear cleans. It always sounds like a tone suck to me. But then again, I'm weird with my sound choices. I want that little bit of grit, or just roll back on the guitar volume to get cleans that are rich in sound quality.


I also don't like super saturated gains, that's why I like fuzz, not crazy, just a massive wall of sound.


But if the world catered to Fuzzy Fred, it would be an odd, strange world [blink]

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I can't stand crystal clear cleans. It always sounds like a tone suck to me. But then again, I'm weird with my sound choices. I want that little bit of grit, or just roll back on the guitar volume to get cleans that are rich in sound quality.


I also don't like super saturated gains, that's why I like fuzz, not crazy, just a massive wall of sound.


But if the world catered to Fuzzy Fred, it would be an odd, strange world [blink]


A fuzzy world?

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I am SO jealous. I want the Renegade badly but I have the Rebel 30 and it is really all I need. Really a great amp and LOVE the compact size. Actually fun to walk in carrying this lunchbox size little head and blowing people away with it. The Renegade is simply a step above. Though I don't think it sounds any better than the Rebel, you can just do more with it. And I don't like the Chinese thing but I am going on 15 months of pretty much daily usage without a hitch.


enjoy the new toy,

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I can't stand crystal clear cleans. It always sounds like a tone suck to me. But then again, I'm weird with my sound choices. I want that little bit of grit, or just roll back on the guitar volume to get cleans that are rich in sound quality.


I also don't like super saturated gains, that's why I like fuzz, not crazy, just a massive wall of sound.


But if the world catered to Fuzzy Fred, it would be an odd, strange world [blink]


Gotta love ya Fred... [thumbup]















.........no homo

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